Default Events & Attributes
  • 23 Aug 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

    Default Events & Attributes

      Article Summary

      Default events and attributes are the user events and attributes that Insider allocates for your account in advance. These events and attributes are determined based on the requirements of Insider’s products, and the common user behavior and actions. This way, you do not need to create these attributes from scratch, but only pass data for those that require data ingestion from your end. 

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      To get a better understanding of events and attributes, read Understanding Events and Attributes before starting to use them.

      Default Events

      An event defines all the actions your users perform while interacting with your website, application, campaigns, and/or offline stores. For example, if a user clicks on a product to view its details and lands on the product detail page, their action triggers a product detail page view event. Some examples for event are mobile app open, purchase, WhatsApp reply, etc.

      See the list of Default Events that Insider allocates for your account in advance.

      Default Attributes

      An attribute defines all the details about a user. It helps you understand their preferences such as personal information, last purchased and visited products, etc. For example, if a user visits product A, then product B, their last visited product name attribute would be product B.

      You can use the user attributes to create advanced segmentation and targeting, and personalize your users’ experience with individualized content.

      See the list of Default Attributes that Insider allocates for your account in advance.

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