Data Retention
  • 18 Apr 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read

    Data Retention

      Article Summary

      Insider categorizes data retention as User Profile Retention and User Event Data Retention. According to data legislations (e.g. GDPR), any processed or stored personal data should not be kept for longer than necessary, but within the storage limitation.

      Your title goes here
      A legitimate business purpose is required to store and process personal data.

      User TTLs

      Attributes do not have individual Time to Live's (TTL) but users have. Therefore, we keep a check on the last time user data was updated. If the update happened 12 months ago or before that, we remove that user. As long as the user is retained, their attributes are retained too. To understand when the last update was, we use “upta” -update date- attribute under the user data.

      Event TTLs

      User event data retention provides capabilities to set different retention periods for different events. This flexibility aims to support your use cases based on your retention needs. The top limit for any event, except the Purchase event, to be stored is for 12 months by default while custom events are stored for 3 months by default.  As for the default events, the default retention periods are as follows:

      Your title goes here
      You can consult Insider team if you need to store your events for a longer period.
      Event NameEvent Data Retention
      Purchase (Confirmation page view)

      After Feb 1, 2021 → 24 months

      Before Feb 1, 2021 → 12 months

      Homepage view3 months
      Listing page view3 months
      Product detail page view3 months
      Cart page view3 months
      Other page views3 months
      Item added to cart3 months
      Item removed from cart3 months
      Cart cleared3 months
      Lead collected12 months
      Sign-up confirmation12 months
      Email delivered12 months
      Email open12 months
      Email click12 months
      Mobile App opened3 months
      InApp seen12 months
      Journey enter12 months
      Journey exited12 months
      Survey result12 months
      All other events3 months

      Your title goes here
      The TTL of all other events is 3 months.

      Details for Purchase Event's TTL Change:

      If a purchase event is inserted after Feb 1, 2021, the data retention period (TTL) is 2 years. Let’s see some examples in the case of the event is inserted after this date:

      • Example 1: Purchase event timestamp 2021-02-03 10:34:45, this event will be dropped at 2023-02-03 10:34:45.
      • Example 2: Purchase event timestamp 2019-08-14 11:07:37, this event will be dropped at 2021-08-14 11:07:37.
      • Example 3: Purchase event timestamp 2017-12-03 18:13:56, this event will not be registered.

      If a purchase event is inserted before Feb 1, 2021, the data retention period (TTL) was 1 year. Let’s see some examples in the case of the event is inserted before this date:

      • Example 1: Purchase event timestamp 2020-10-02 10:34:45, this event will be dropped at 2021-10-02 10:34:45.
      • Example 2: Purchase event timestamp 2019-08-14 11:07:37, this event’s TTL was 12 months and it is dropped at 2020-08-14 11:07:37.

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