WhatsApp: CSV Upload via Saved Segments
  • 27 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read

    WhatsApp: CSV Upload via Saved Segments

      Article Summary

      Your title goes here
      Uploading users to Insider's InOne panel without collecting their consent might cause legal sanctions and economic penalties for brands. That's why make sure you receive your users' consent before uploading them.

      To upload your subscribers via a CSV file,

      1. Audience > Segments > Saved Segments > Static Segments.

      2. Click the Create button. Name your new segment and proceed with choosing Static Segment.

      3. You need to mark "Authorized to process the uploaded users' data." checkbox to upload CSV. If your CSV file does not have a header row, then you can mark the respective checkbox as well.

      Your title goes here
      Phone number should be in the “+651234567890” E.164 format starting with country code (e.g. +65). WhatsApp opt-in should be TRUE as value.

      4. Define the language of the targeted users. Language attribute value should be in the “xx_XX" format such as "en_US". Sample CSV file would seem as follows;

      Your title goes here
      You must define the language of the targeted users in your CSV file. Language attribute value should be in the “xx_XX" format such as "en_US".

      5. The system automatically detects the related fields. If not, you can further complete them as below:

      After uploading the contacts, you can reach your subscriber base on the Segments page.

      To use your uploaded contacts in your campaign, you need to choose Statics Segments and select the previously created segment name when creating your campaign.

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