Creating events and attributes on Test Lab
  • 23 Dec 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

    Creating events and attributes on Test Lab

      Article Summary

      With the test lab, you can create your events and attributes following these steps:

      1. Navigate to Components > Integrations > App Integrations > Test Lab.

      2. Click the Create button to create an attribute.

      3. Name your attribute, select a data type and add a description. If you want to create another one right after this one, check Create another box. Click Create to complete this step.

      4. Once created, your attribute will be listed on top of the list with its test status and type information, and a code option.

      5. Clicking the code option, you can see how you can implement this attribute in your code. You can copy this code and add it into your project by changing its value.

      6. Click Create to create an event.

      7. Name your event, add a description and add a parameter. Select a data type for the parameter. If you want to create another one right after this one, check Create another box. Click Create to complete this step.

      8. Once created, your event will be listed on top of the list with its test status, type information, event parameter and a code option.

      9. Clicking the code option, you can see how you can implement this event in your code. You can copy this code and add it into your project by changing its value.

      Your title goes here
      If you implement any event or attribute in your project without using the Test Lab, you will be prompted with the “Add Uncreated Metric” message on the Test Lab page. If you click the Add button, they will be listed on the Test Lab. Please be informed that the event parameters and attributes can be listed within the predefined account limits. If you have exceeded the limit, they will not be added.
      Your title goes here
      The default parameters of the advanced methods cannot be added to the custom events as event parameters. You need to create custom event parameters for your custom events separately.

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