Create a Contact List
  • 01 Apr 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read

    Create a Contact List

      Article Summary

      You can create a new list of contacts combined into a list. Once you name your list, you can also give it a tag for an easier access. You can also create new tags by just typing your desired tag name and click Create a new tag: "your input”.

      How to create a contact list

      1. Navigate to Audience > Contacts Management > Contact List and then click Create. 

      2. When you click Create, you have the option to either upload the contacts immediately or upload contacts later.

      3.  After creating a list, you can upload the emails one by one by entering the emails manually by navigating to Manage Contacts > Add Manually. Or you can upload the emails by uploading a .csv file by navigating to Manage Contacts > Upload Contacts. 

      Your title goes here
      Please consider that duration of list uploads might change in accordance with the number of the rows/columns and the size of the file.

      The supported file upload formats are:

      • XLSX, XLS and CSV files in UTF-8 Format are supported.
      • For XLSX and XLS files, the maximum size limit allowed is 5MB.
      • For CSV files, the maximum size limit allowed is 100MB.
      • If the file contains only emails, you can upload up to 7 million contacts.
      • If the file contains email and phone numbers, you can upload up to 3.5 million contacts.
      • If the file contains emails, phone numbers, name and surname information(columns), you can upload up to 1.9 million users.
      • If you want to add a date in the document, the date format must be YYYY-MM-DD.
      • If you want to add a phone number in the document, the notation should be starting with a “+” sign. (ex: +905556667788)
      • The email field name must be filled in.
      • Headers are not mandatory, but if the file contains headers, note that different headers cannot be assigned to the same field.

      You can download our sample .csv data in order to get quick information on how your data structure has to be.


      Your title goes here
      While uploading a contact list, ensure that the email as identifier is included within the file. If your identifier is not email, use a static segment instead of a contact list.
      Your title goes here
      If your data contains Non-UTF-8 Characters, any code injections(website links with “question marks (?)”, line breaks or extra/additional commas, you receive a warning mentioned in the flow below.

      How to investigate the issues file

      Once you click on the “Download the issues file”, you will receive a file including the issue explanations right next to each column that you have created in your file. Each column value has a corresponding issue explanation next to their right cells. See below the issue explanations:

      #No Issues#: The cell doesn't have any issues.

      #Non-UTF-8 Character Coding#: The cell has Non-UTF-8 character encoding.

      #Computer Code#: The cell has Code Injection Error. If the cell contains any URL that has “question marks (?)” in it and the data type is wrong, this message gets displayed.

      #Line Breaks#: The cell contains a line break.

      #Additional Commas#: The cell contains an extra comma.

      Example issues file (note that the values shown are dummy):

      4. After uploading the file or adding emails, you will see the match fields page where you can correspond your data’s column values to the system fields. The left side of the page resembles your data’s column values.

      Your title goes here
      Phone number can be uploaded only as identifier, cannot be uploaded as attribute with contact lists.

      5. After matching your fields, your data gets uploaded to the panel. Click the Finish button to go inside your newly created and populated list.

      How to export the contacts

      Export button enables you to get your desired contacts in an excel sheet, in .csv format. You can find this button at the top right corner of the page.

      You can directly export or you can export with your contacts' attributes. You can select up to 20 different attributes to be placed in your contacts excel sheet. After you select the attributes, they will be displayed as column values in your excel sheet.

      your title goes here
      The Export button will only work if you have the “manage users” role or you are allowed to see PII (Personally Identifiable Information) on the panel.

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