Coupon Usage Reminder
  • 14 Dec 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

    Coupon Usage Reminder

      Article Summary

      You can set a reminder to get notified about the coupon usage of your campaigns following these steps:

      1. Click the Settings button.

      2. Enable coupon usage reminder and set a threshold. This number will indicate when you will start receiving an email for the coupon usage. If the number of coupon codes in your coupon lists reaches this number, it will send a reminder email to recipients you entered.

      3. Add the email addresses you want to send the notification email to. Check the "We have permission to use this/these email(s)" box.

      4. Click the Save button to save your settings.

      Your title goes here
      The coupon is marked as "used" the moment it's included in a message or campaign and sent to the user, regardless of whether the user copies it or actively redeems it. Once it's in the message, it's considered utilized in the system.

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