Journey Goals
  • 04 Apr 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read

    Journey Goals

      Article Summary

      You can define the desired goal that you expect users to perform after receiving a message through the journey. You can use your previously created default and custom events to define goals and their parameters.

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      Purchase activity is always tracked by default throughout the journey even if you don't choose purchase as your goal. You can always see the purchase activity under conversion metrics on the analytics pages (if you have online selling on your website or mobile application).
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      You can select all events received through website, mobile app, and Upsert User Data API (e.g. offline sources) as a journey goal.

      Journey Goals option is located in the Go to Launch modal.

      Click the Go to Launch to see the modal, and select your conversion event using the default and custom events. You can plan your journey step-by-step and launch it. 

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      Exit Criteria and Journey Goals steps are optional.

      You can select your goals to track for a journey with up to 10 conversion events.

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      Selecting 10 conversion events doesn't mean that the user should complete all 10 events to make it counted as a conversion. Each completed conversion event is counted as a conversion.
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      Conversion goals are attributed to a channel by complying with the last touch attribution model. See How to calculate conversion rate in journeys.
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      In the default purchase goal system, Onsite and In-App channels consider view activity to attribute conversions. In Journey Goals system, a conversion goal is not attributed to a channel in case the user does not click the link in the message sent out through the journey. Onsite and In-App channels consider click activity to attribute conversions as well.

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      The revenue is not attributed to a channel for the goal you specified except for the Purchase goal, either default or custom.

      You can need to select at least one event parameter to define the journey goal as Purchase. When you define journey goal as Purchase, either default or custom goal, you can track Revenue attributed to these goals. You can also filter down different event parameters used in journey goals in the Analytics pages to see the amount of the Revenue that is attributed to each event parameter type one by one.

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      You cannot add the identical event and/or event parameter as a goal.

      You can also define the Goal Duration to limit the duration for conversion calculation. You can select a conversion goal duration range between 30 minutes and 30 days. The duration can vary based on your business use case or industry.

      your title goes here
      Conversion Goal Duration is set as 30 days for the journey by default. If a user clicks messages in this journey and completes this conversion goal within the next 30 days, your journey will count this goal as a conversion.
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      Clicks and conversions are counted and being attributed within the goal duration even after journey becomes passive.

      Once you change and set a different duration of goal tracking, your selected goal will be counted as a conversion if the user performs the desired goal within that duration. It is not counted as a conversion if the goal occurs after that duration.

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      Conversion Goal Duration affects only Architect channels. For example, the conversions from single/bulk web push notifications on web push product are not affected.

      Once you create a conversion goal, the journey will start to track that goal and show the metrics on the journey and channel analytics pages.

      Conversion goals and their event parameters are displayed in the conversion goal dropdown. The selected event parameters that belong to one event are connected to each other with the and operator.

      You can track the conversion goal on the Journey and Channel Analytics pages.

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