Configure Email as Custom Activity in Salesforce Journey Builder
  • 19 Feb 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read

    Configure Email as Custom Activity in Salesforce Journey Builder

      Article Summary

      Salesforce integration allows you to use Insider's messaging products within your Salesforce account. You can add Insider's Email product to Salesforce journeys as a Custom Activity.

      Prior to using Insider's Email in your Salesforce journeys:

      • First you should create your custom activity on Salesforce dashboard.
      • Insider Team should configure your custom activity on Insider's end.
      • Then you should build your Salesforce journey with Insider's Email product.
      • Once you launch your journeys, you can see the delivery, engagement and revenue metrics of your launched Salesforce Email Custom Activity in overall and with channel breakdown.

      Creating Custom Activity

      To create your custom activity, follow these steps:

      1. Click your user name > Setup.

      2. Go to Apps > Installed Packages

      2. Click the New button on the right hand screen.

      3. Enter a name and description for the package, and click the Save button.

      4. Click on Add Component below, choose Journey Builder Activity, and click the Next button.

      5. Fill in the following component fields. Then click the Save button. Make sure to replace the partnerName in{partnerName} before adding your URL.

      Your title goes here
      Insider Team will provide the URL that you need to add to this window. partnerName is your Inone account name that you can see in the top right corner of your Inone panel.

      6. After saving this step, click the Add Component button again.

      7. Choose API Integration and click the Next button.

      8. Choose Web App and click the Next button.

      9. Fill in the URL, select the channels you want to use with the activity, and click the Save button. Make sure to replace the partnerName with your Insider partner name in{partnerName}/index.

      10. Once you save the previous step, you will see a summary page as follows.

      Sharing Custom Activity Details

      On the Summary page, save the JWT Signing Secret, Client Id, Client Secret, Authentication Base URI, and Unique Key, and share them with Insider Team. Once Insider completes configuring your custom activity on Insider's end, you can start creating journeys.

      Creating Journeys

      Once you complete building a custom activity, you will see the new application in your journey's Messages section as follows.

      Drag and drop this element to your journey, and click on it to see the following window. Depending on when you are viewing it, the content might have been updated. 

      From this point on, no additional setting is required. You can fill in the necessary fields and use the products displayed in the Custom Activity application.

      Once you start using Insider's Email product in Salesforce journeys, you will have a dedicated dashboard where you can see the performance of your email channel.

      Your title goes here
      Insider matches the users with an identifier you select. This identifier should be an email address for the Email product. For example, when you select the email address as an identifier, Insider will also check the user's email address. Once you configure your identifier on Salesforce, inform Insider Team accordingly.

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