Check the User Permission
  • 24 Oct 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

    Check the User Permission

      Article Summary

      If you want to debug any issues with receiving web push notifications, you should also check if you have allowed the notifications. 

      When you opt in for notifications, the state of the insUserPermissionGranted key will be set to true.


      To check whether you have allowed the web push notifications on Chrome:

      1. Click right > Inspect on your website and open the browser console.
      2. Go to Application > Local Storage to see the value of insUserPermissionGranted.
      3. If the value displays the state as true, you have allowed the web push notifications.


      To check whether you have allowed the web push notifications on Firefox:

      1. Click right > Inspect on your website and open the browser console.
      2. Go to Storage > Local Storage to see the value of insUserPermissionGranted.
      3. If the value displays the state as true, you have allowed the web push notifications.

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