Campaign Trigger Settings
  • 06 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read

    Campaign Trigger Settings

      Article Summary

      You can use Campaign Trigger System to sequence your campaigns and trigger them based on how users interact with other campaigns. For example; you can trigger a lead collection based on how users interact with a Hello Bar on your website. Or you can display a coupon banner by connecting it to an onsite message box that appears by clicking on a button on your website. The latter flow would be as follows:

      User clicks on a button on your website > User sees the Onsite Message. > User clicks on the button on the Onsite Message. > User sees the coupon banner.

      Campaign Trigger is not available to Category Optimizer, Banner Management, InStory, Smart Recommender, in any of their desktop or mobile versions.

      Enabling a Campaign Trigger will override the segments, rules, and launch settings of the respective campaign. That campaign will instead follow the segments, rules, and launch settings of the campaign that triggers it.

      To be triggered by other campaigns, the respective campaign’s status should be active. No user will see any such live campaign because it should follow the segments, rules, and launch settings of the campaign that triggers it.

      You do not need to launch this campaign with a 100% traffic allocation because only the variation group will be triggered. Once you launch the respective campaign (the one that will be triggered by another campaign), you can view it under Connect Another Campaign in the Design step for the triggering campaign.

      1. Select any element of the template you want to use to trigger another campaign.
      2. Click Select Campaign to see the list of campaigns selected to be triggered by another campaign.
      3. Select the campaign you want to trigger based on users' interactions with the respective element and click OK.

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