Architect Use Case: Wishlist
  • 15 May 2024
  • 20 Minutes to read

    Architect Use Case: Wishlist

      Article Summary

      Not all customers shop the same way. That's why brands need a robust understanding of their customers' interests and needs. Wishlist products and journeys can be exceptional drivers allowing brands to utilize these substantial insights about customer behavior and trending products. Leveraging the wishlist data can help brands understand personas, create relationships, increase customer lifetime value, personalize customer experience, and drive purchase and purchase frequency.

      When customers visit your website, browse products, and add items to their cart, you send them a cart abandonment WhatsApp message, and retarget them on Google Ads. However, when they revisit the website, the item may be out of stock, the product price may be high for them to purchase, or they may still not be sure about purchasing the product, and you had few or no ways of continuing the conversation.

      The Wishlist feature allows your customers to add their favorite products to their lists. Adding items to wishlists implies a customer's interest in a product without an immediate intent to purchase it, and gives them a reason to come back. Customers add items to their wishlists when:

      • They consider buying the product,
      • They want to compare the products they want to buy,
      • They want to track price changes on the product, 
      • The product, its size, or its color is unavailable.

      You can perform Wishlist use cases to pick up customers where they left off their favorite products in the journey, maintain an engaging customer conversation, drive sales, and increase conversion metrics.

      You can combine powerful use cases as follows to address your customers' designated interests:

      • Wishlist Reminder
      • Price Drop for Wishlist Items
      • Back in Stock for Wishlist Items
      • Cross-sell for Wishlist Items

      This article provides details about:


      Wishlist journeys allow you to tap into important insights about customer behavior and trending products, and help you increase your business metrics. With wishlist journeys, you can:

      • Increase revenue
      • Increase CLV (Customer Lifetime Value)
      • Increase purchase frequency
      • Decrease time to purchase


      To create a Wishlist journey:

      • Your website must have a Wishlist structure where information about Wishlist items is available.
      • Wishlist items and purchase information must be collected. Once your website is mapped by Insider during your onboarding, Insider starts to collect this information by default. This does not require any additional integration.
      • All objects under Insider Object Integration must be implemented for the Wishlist items and purchased items to be tracked.
      • Before starting to use any channel in your journeys, integrations for the respective channels should be completed. Additional integrations might be required depending on the channels you want to use in your journeys.
      • If you need to have custom events, you need to create and pass them to Insider.
      your title goes here
      For further details on journey integration, refer to Architect Advanced Integration Guide.

      Creating a Wishlist Reminder Journey

      You can create a Wishlist Reminder journey to send messages to your customers across their reachable channels and remind them to purchase the items they added to their wishlists.

      Let's say your business is one of Fashion Retailer, Home and Furniture, Consumer Electronics, Home Appliances, Cosmetics, Jewelry and Accessories, or Marketplace verticals. A user visits your website to purchase a night dress but adds it to their wishlist, and does not purchase it.

      Once the user adds the dress to their wishlist, you let them enter the journey and wait for 5 days to check if they make any purchases from that product category. If not, you check their reachability on Email and Web Push channels to send them messages to remind the night dress.

      You can either use the Wishlist Reminder template or create your journey from scratch. To build a journey step-by-step, follow these steps:

      1. Select a starter

      On Event starter tracks user events and takes them immediately on the journey when they perform the specified event. You can select the Item Added to Wishlist event to take users on a journey when they add items to their Wishlist. 

      2. Target the correct segment

      If you have any extra conditions or segments, you can add an optional segment filter to control if they meet your condition. You can:

      • Target users who add an item to their Wishlist but do not make a purchase within a specified period.
      • Target users who frequently engage with your website or app but do not add anything to their Wishlist.
      • Focus on users who remove the items from their Wishlist without making a purchase, suggesting potential barriers to conversion that need addressing. If you want to target the users based on the product name or category they add to the Wishlist, you can select the respective event parameters:
      • Target users who add items to their Wishlist from a specific product category, such as electronics, fashion, or home decor.
      • Target users who add high-value items to their wishlist with unit price and currency.
      • Target users who add a specific item to their wishlist with the product name. 

      3. Build your journey

      To build your journey for Wishlist, follow the steps below:

      1. Wait Before Sending a Message

      After you decide on the segmentation, you can add the Wait for Some Time element after the starter before sending the initial message. To evaluate the purchase behavior after users add items to their wishlist, you can add the wait element with the preferred duration. Adding a Wait element in the journey flow is optional. 

      You can consider adding a Wait Until a Time Slot slot element to your journey, because:

      • Wishlist Reminder messages may be more effective when delivered at specific times when users are most likely to be engaged and receptive. For example, sending reminders during evenings or weekends when users are more relaxed and inclined to browse and make purchases.
      • You can schedule Wishlist Reminder messages to be sent during time slots that show higher engagement rates for your business. This ensures that you deliver the messages at optimal times to maximize user response and conversions.
      • Timing plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of messaging campaigns. You can increase the likelihood of Wishlist Reminder messages being noticed, opened, and acted upon, ultimately driving higher engagement and conversions.

      2. Filter your users

      You can add a Check Conditions element to filter users for different paths on the journey flow. You can segment your users based on:

      • Their previous purchase history, including frequency, value, and product categories,
      • Their language,
      • Website interaction,
      • Demographic data such as age, gender, or location,
      • Their channel reachability,
      • Any attribute or event parameters you want. 

      3. Check your users' reachability before sending a message

      Before sending the initial message, you can check if users are reachable on that channel. If not, you can try another channel on another path of the Check Reachability element. Adding Check Reachability is valuable because:

      • You can assess users' reachability on selected channels, they receive your messages from the prioritized channels if they are reachable.
      • You can prevent users from dropping out of the journey and ensure that they are directed to the appropriate path based on their reachability.
      • You can optimize your budget and resources to the correct channels. 

      4. Reach your users via the best channel

      You can add the Next Best Channel (NBC) element to:

      • Maximize engagement: The NBC element leverages the machine learning algorithms and it predicts the probability of user engagement for each messaging channel. You can reach users through the channels where they are most likely to respond positively, maximizing overall engagement for your Wishlist Journey.
      • Provide personalized communication: The NBC considers the hundreds of different signals from users across various channels and it delivers personalized communications that resonate with each user, enhancing the likelihood of engagement.
      • Adapt to changing conditions: The engagement probability model of the Next Best Channel adjusts itself based on changing user behaviors, seasonal conditions, and campaign usage patterns. This ensures that messaging strategies remain effective and relevant over time, even as user preferences and market dynamics evolve. 
      • Optimize for reachability: The Next Best Channel takes into account users' reachability on different channels as an additional parameter in its decision-making process. This ensures that you deliver the messages via channels where users are most likely to be reachable, increasing the chances of successful delivery and engagement.

      5. Select your channels

      Channel selection is a crucial decision in your Wishlist Reminder journey to reach your targets. You can also consider the following criteria while selecting the channels for your journey:

      • User preferences: Different users have varying preferences when it comes to communication channels. Some users prefer email for receiving promotional messages, while others prefer push notifications or text messages. This is where Architect steps in to help with the Next Best Channel element. 
      • Channel effectiveness: Each communication channel has its strengths and limitations in terms of reach, engagement, and conversion rates. For example, email may be effective for delivering detailed and personalized messages, while push notifications may be more suitable for time-sensitive reminders. 
      • Audience segmentation: Different segments of users may respond differently to messages delivered via various channels.
      • Reachability: You can review your User Reachability data on the Overall Analytics Page. Assess the number of reachable users across individual channels or channel combinations. You can leverage insights on user reachability, and design journeys that capitalize on the best-performing channels, ensuring optimal engagement and outcomes. 

      In market practice, several channels are commonly preferred for Wishlist Reminder use cases, each with its advantages and considerations. Here are some recommended channels:

      • Email: Email is often favored for Wishlist Reminder use cases due to its versatility, wide reach, and ability to deliver detailed and personalized messages. You can craft visually appealing emails that showcase Wishlist items, include product images and descriptions, and offer incentives such as discounts or promotions.
      • Web Push notifications: Web push notifications are another popular channel for Wishlist Reminder use cases, particularly for engaging users who actively browse your website. Push notifications offer real-time communication and can prompt immediate action from users, making them well-suited for reminding users about items they add to their Wishlist while they are still on your website. Additionally, web push notifications have high visibility and can effectively capture users' attention, leading to increased engagement and conversions.
      • SMS: SMS is a preferred channel for Wishlist Reminder use cases when you want to reach users directly on their mobile devices. SMS messages have high open rates and are typically read within minutes of receipt, making them ideal for time-sensitive reminders. If your reminder message is not time-sensitive, you may skip using the SMS channel for Wishlist Reminders. 
      • WhatsApp: WhatsApp is gaining popularity as a channel for Wishlist Reminder use cases, particularly in regions where WhatsApp is widely used for communication. WhatsApp offers the advantage of direct and personalized communication with users in a familiar messaging environment. You can send Wishlist reminders via WhatsApp that feel more conversational and interactive, fostering engagement and facilitating direct communication with users.

      Ultimately, the preferred channels for Wishlist Reminder use cases may vary depending on factors such as your target audience, communication preferences, and available resources. If you leverage a combination of channels strategically, you can maximize your reach and engagement with users, driving increased conversions and customer satisfaction.

      6. Create your content and send the initial message

      After deciding how you want to continue with the communication for Wishlist reminder, you can start designing your content. 

      You may add different channels to your journey flow including WhatsApp, Email, SMS, and Web Push Notification. You can customize the message content with the products that would be interesting to the users. 

      Refer to Dynamic Content in Journeys for further details.


      WhatsApp provides a direct and personalized messaging platform, making it ideal for engaging users in conversational interactions. You can focus on delivering concise yet impactful messages that resonate with users on a personal level.

      Below you can see some content examples.

      Message: "Hi [Name], we noticed you added [Item Added to Wishlist Product Name] to your Wishlist! Don't miss out on this great deal - click here to purchase now!"

      Message: "Hey [Name]! Your favorite items are waiting for you on your Wishlist. Take a look and treat yourself today!"

      You can compose your message following these best practices:

      • Use emojis sparingly to add personality and emotion to your messages.
      • Incorporate dynamic content such as product names, user name, product URLs, and images to enhance personalization.


      Email offers versatility for delivering detailed and visually appealing messages. You can craft compelling subject lines and content that entice users to open and engage with your emails.

      • Architect generates dynamic content for the last 8 Wishlist Items of users, such as Wishlist Item Name (1, 2, …,8) and Wishlist Item Formatted Price (1,2,…,8). Within the Drag and Drop editor, you can insert these dynamic contents to display the last 8 wishlist items for users. 
      • Make sure you set display conditions for rows in the email template. Display conditions allow you to display rows based on user behavior and their actions. 
        Your title goes here

        The correct syntax for Wishlist display conditions is ins_wapr_total_product_kind. For example, if you want to show the Wishlist Item information when the user has more than 0 wishlist items, you should apply the following syntax to the display conditions: {% if ins_wapr_total_product_kind > 0 %}

        If you do not apply the correct syntax, the email content might be broken.

      Below you can see some content examples:

      Subject: Your Wishlist Awaits! 🛍️
      Preheader: Explore your saved items and enjoy exclusive deals just for you!

      Subject: Don't Miss Out on Your Favorites! 🎁
      Preheader: Shop your Wishlist items now and treat yourself to something special!

      You can compose your message following these best practices:

      • Keep subject lines short, clear, and attention-grabbing.
      • Utilize dynamic content to personalize emails with user-specific information.
      • Use AI Text Generator to be inspired for Preheader and Subjects.


      SMS provides a direct and immediate way to reach users on their mobile devices. Craft concise and action-oriented messages that prompt users to take immediate action.

      Below you can see some content examples:

      Message: "🎉 Hi [Name]! Your Wishlist is calling! Don't let your favorite items slip away! Tap here to check them out now: [Item Added to Wishlist Product URL] 🛍️"

      Message: "Hey [Name]! 👋 Don't forget about [Item Added to Wishlist Product Name]! They're waiting for you to make them yours! Click here to revisit and shop now: [Item Added to Wishlist Product URL] 🌟"

      You can compose your message following these best practices:

      • Keep SMS messages short and to the point, focusing on delivering key information.
      • Include clear links to encourage users to take action.

      Web Push 

      Web push notifications offer real-time communication and can effectively capture users' attention. You can craft concise and engaging messages that compel users to click through to your website.

      Below you can see some content examples:

      Message title: "🌟 Your Wishlist Awaits!"
      Message: "Hi [Name]! Your Wishlist is filled with amazing finds! Click to revisit your Wishlist and start shopping now! 🎁"

      Message title: "⏰ Don't Miss Out on Your Favorites!"
      Message: "[Item Added to Wishlist Product Name] is waiting for you! Tap to explore and make them yours before they're gone! 🛍️"

      Message title: "💫 Discover Your Wishlist Gems!"
      Message: "Hi there, [Name]! Your Wishlist holds treasures just waiting to be discovered! Click now to explore and add them to your cart! 🎉"

      You can compose your message following these best practices:

      • Use powerful words and urgency to create a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out) in your notifications.
      • Incorporate dynamic content such as product names or images and personalize your messages.
      • Enrich your content with Dynamic Image. Navigate to Dynamic Image Source > Select Event “Item Added to Wishlist” and Event Parameter “Product Image URL” to display the image of the added wishlist item. Select the “Use the event that triggered this Journey when the user entered.” option to make the dynamic content consistent.
      • Enrich your content with Dynamic URL. Navigate to Dynamic Link Source > Select Event “Item Added to Wishlist” and Event Parameter “Product URL” to use the URL of the added wishlist item. Select the “Use the event that triggered this Journey when the user entered.” option to make the dynamic content consistent.
      • To further enrich your content, you can use Action Buttons and enable Rich Message.

      Dynamic content to add your Wishlist Reminder messages

      You can use the Wishlist item information in your content:

      Wishlist Item Name (1,2,..,8)The item name
      Wishlist Item URL (1,2,..,8)The item’s page (product page link)
      Wishlist Item Image (1,2,..,8)The item’s image link
      Wishlist Item ID (1,2,..,8)The ID of the product
      Wishlist Item Price (1,2,..,8)Updated price according to your currency settings in the Inone (e.g. 19,9 or 19,99 dollars)
      Wishlist Item Not Converted Price (1,2,..,8)Price is according to your website or app currency. (this ignores Inone currency settings)
      Wishlist Item Formatted Price (1,2,..,8)Price according to Inone currency settings with 2 decimals (e.g. 19,90 or 19,99 dollars)
      Wishlist Item Original Price (1,2,..,8)Undiscounted price if there is a discount (e.g. 19,9 or 19,99 dollars)
      Wishlist Item Original Formatted Price (1,2,..,8)Undiscounted price if there is a discount with 2 decimals (e.g. 19,90 or 19,99 dollars)
      Wishlist Item Quantity (1,2,..,8)Quantity of the same wishlist item
      Wishlist Item’s CurrencyWishlist item currency
      Total Wishlist AmountTotal wishlist value
      Total Wishlist CountTotal item count in the wishlist
      Total Wishlist KindNumber of different items in the wishlist used for Display Conditions to show more or fewer rows in the email content.

      A/B Testing

      A/B testing is a crucial tool for optimizing Wishlist Reminder campaigns. Conducting A/B testing helps you systematically assess different variations of messaging strategies to determine which ones are most effective in encouraging users to return and complete their purchases. This iterative process allows you to refine your users' approach based on real-time data and user feedback, leading to improved conversion rates and increased revenue.

      A/B testing helps you:

      • Optimize message content: You can experiment with different messaging elements such as subject lines, message copy, and calls-to-action to determine which combinations resonate best with users. This is crucial for Wishlist reminder messages, as the goal is to entice users to revisit their Wishlist and take action.
      • Improve click-through rates: You can identify content variations that lead to higher click-through rates, ultimately driving more users back to their Wishlist pages. 
      • Increase conversion rates: If you test different content variations, you can identify messaging strategies that lead to higher conversion rates, such as completing a purchase or adding items to the cart from the Wishlist. This is essential for Wishlist reminder messages, as the ultimate goal is to drive conversions and increase sales.
      • Enhance personalization: You can test the effectiveness of personalized messaging elements.
      • Refine timing and frequency: You can experiment with different send times and message frequencies for Wishlist reminder messages. If you test variations in timing and frequency, you can identify the optimal cadence for sending reminders that maximizes user engagement without overwhelming users with too many messages.
      • Test channel effectiveness: You can use A/B testing to compare the effectiveness of different messaging channels for delivering Wishlist reminders, such as email, SMS, web push notifications, or app notifications. If you test the channel variations, you can determine which channels are most effective for reaching users and driving engagement with Wishlist reminders.

      You can effectively use Facebook and Google Ads to significantly enhance the effectiveness of Wishlist reminder campaigns. You can add Facebook and Google Ads channels to your journey to:

      • Retarget website visitors: You can use Facebook and Google Ads to track users who visit their website and interact with Wishlist-related pages. This allows you to create custom audiences based on users who show interest in Wishlist items but do not make a purchase.
      • Display dynamic product ads: You can create dynamic product ads on Facebook and Google Ads that display items from users' Wishlists. These ads can display personalized product recommendations based on the user's browsing history and Wishlist activity, increasing the relevance of the ads and driving higher click-through rates.
      • Cross-device remarketing: With cross-device remarketing capabilities, you can reach users across multiple devices and platforms with consistent messaging. This ensures that users are reminded of their Wishlist items regardless of the device they're using, maximizing the chances of engagement and conversion.

      Follow-up messages and Best Practices

      After sending the initial message, you can control if the users complete your desired goal such as purchasing the item, adding the item to the cart, etc. after a while. 

      You can add a Wait element to give time to users, then you can add the Check Conditions element to check if the users perform the specified action. 

      Your title goes here
      Wait elements allow you to avoid overwhelming users with excessive messages, as this may lead to disengagement or unsubscribes.

      Below you can see some common practices for the messaging frequency for Wishlist Reminder use case: 

      • You can send a series of follow-up messages for Wishlist reminders, rather than just a single message.
      • The number of follow-up messages is usually 2, depending on your strategy and the complexity of the product or service being promoted. Sending multiple messages allows you to reinforce the reminder and maintain top-of-mind awareness with users.
      • You may use strategies such as sending follow-up messages at specific intervals, such as 3 days, 1 week, and 2 weeks after the initial reminder, to maintain engagement without overwhelming users.
      • You may also use behavior-based triggers to send follow-up messages based on user actions or inaction. For example, if a user interacts with the initial Wishlist reminder message when they click on a product link but do not make a purchase, you may send a follow-up message a few days later to offer a special discount or promotion to encourage conversion.

      You can create your Wishlist reminder use cases following these best practices:

      • Personalization is key: Personalize your Wishlist reminder messages based on user preferences, past behavior, and Wishlist activity. Use dynamic content to tailor the messaging to each user's specific interests and preferences.
      • Timing matters: Send Wishlist reminder messages at strategic times when users are most likely to engage, such as shortly after they add an item to their Wishlist or during peak shopping hours.
      • Use a multi-channel approach: Utilize multiple channels, such as email, SMS, push notifications, and social media, to reach users with Wishlist reminders. Each channel has its strengths and can help reinforce the message across different touchpoints.
      • Provide value: Offer incentives or exclusive discounts to encourage users to revisit their Wishlist and complete their purchase, especially for follow-up messages. Highlight any price drops, limited-time promotions, or exclusive offers on Wishlist items to incentivize conversion.
      • Segmentation and targeting: Segment your audience based on their Wishlist activity, purchase history, and demographic information to send targeted and relevant messages. Tailor your messaging to different audience segments to increase relevance and engagement.
      • Optimize message content: Craft compelling and persuasive messaging that highlights the benefits of purchasing Wishlist items. Use persuasive language, compelling imagery, and clear calls-to-action to encourage users to take action.
      • Test and iterate: Continuously test different messaging strategies, timing, and content variations to optimize the effectiveness of your Wishlist reminder campaigns. Use A/B testing to identify the most effective tactics and iterate based on performance data.
      • Respect user preferences: Respect user preferences and provide options for users to manage their Wishlist notifications and messaging preferences. Avoid over-messaging or spamming users with excessive reminders.
      • Monitor and analyze performance: Monitor key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and revenue generated from Wishlist Reminder journeys. Use analytics to track performance and make data-driven decisions to optimize future campaigns.
      • Provide clear next steps: Make it easy for users to take action. Provide them with clear instructions and the next steps in your Wishlist Reminder messages. Include prominent calls-to-action and links to the Wishlist or product pages to facilitate conversion.

      4. Launch your journey

      Before launching your journey, complete your launch settings:

      • You can set journey entry capping so as not to send too many messages to the same users. In this way, you can optimize your messaging frequency.
      • You can also use the User Eligibility setting to prevent users from entering the Wishlist journey too frequently and receiving the same type of messages. 
      • You can set special Goals besides purchases for the users who enter the wishlist reminder journey. For example, adding the item to the cart, viewing the wishlist item page, etc. You can have a custom event to set goals, or you can use default events and their event parameters. 

      Example Flows

      Architect offers Wishlist Reminder, Wishlist Price Drop, and Wishlist Back in Stock templates for you to get inspired and customize to launch your use case.

      You can take a look at the example flows for Wishlist Reminder below.

      • A simple Wishlist Reminder use case: 
        • Let users enter the journey when they add an item to their Wishlist.
        • Wait for 5 days.
        • Check if your users purchased an item within 5 days.
        • Check your users' reachability for email channel.
        • Send them a Wishlist Reminder email.

      • A Wishlist Reminder use case with multiple channels and follow-up messages: 
        • Let users enter the journey when they add an item to their Wishlist.
        • Wait for 5 days.
        • Check if your users purchased an item within 5 days.
        • Check your users' reachability for email and web push channels.
        • Send them the Wishlist Reminder email and Web Push message.
        • Wait for 1 day.
        • Check if users purchase within 1 day.
        • Send users follow-up messages.

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