Architect Channel: In-App
  • 10 Jul 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read

    Architect Channel: In-App

      Article Summary

      In-App enables you to deliver an interactive experience to your users and engage them. You can consider this channel as a more direct way of communicating with your users as you get in touch with them while they are active on the app. 

      You can use the In-App channel in your journeys to display campaigns to your users when they come to the In-App step on the journey flow and meet the conditions to display the campaign.

      Architect enables you to use In-App templates in the Template Store and standard In-App.

      You can use the following templates in your journeys:

      your title goes here
      Social Proof is not included in the Architect In-App channel as it is not a convenient template to display in an automation or a customer journey flow.

      Using In-App channel in your journeys, you can achieve many use cases as follows:

      • Take users' phone numbers and their consent to send a WhatsApp message on the same journey flow.
      • Provide a warm welcome to new users who download your app and open it.
      • Promote daily/weekly offers in the app.
      • Lead users to sign up for your app.
      • Onboard the users when they have their first session and offer a discount for the first purchase.
      • Ask users to rate your app on App Store/Google Play at their happy moments like purchase complete, after N amount of article/product visits.
      • Get feedback by using NPS or Short Answer Survey templates from users who have just made a purchase.
      • Target users who are active in the app but have not made any purchase so far and offer a one-time coupon code to get them used mobile purchases.
      • Show a banner to users who are both website and app users for the advantage of buying products in the app instead of the website.

      How does it work?

      In-App functions as any in-app template does on your app. The system triggers the in-app when the user triggers the condition to see your campaign. 

      When a user comes to the In-App step on the flow, the system detects their reachability and checks whether they have any activity on your app in the past 30 days (e.g. performing an event). If there is any, it means that this user can be considered as reachable on this channel. If they are not reachable, they will drop from the journey and counted as dropped.

      When a user triggers the conditions to see your in-app campaign, they can see it when they come to the app within a specified duration. This duration is specified by Time Out.

      your title goes here
      Some users might not see the in-app campaigns due to campaign priorities configured for the in-app campaigns.

      Time Out

      In-App channel functions differently than other messaging channels as it is not certain whether a user will see your in-app campaign when they are at this channel element on in journey flow. Users may not be on the app the time they come to this step in the flow. That's why journeys run on a different logic to keep users on hold for a specified duration and take action on them if they do not see the campaign. This function is called Time Out.

      You can specify a duration to keep users at the In-App channel and select one of the following actions that you want to take for these users in case they do not see the campaign.

      your title goes here
      This duration can be a minimum of 30 minutes and a maximum of 2 weeks
      • Proceed to the next step: If users do not see the campaign in the specified duration, they will proceed to the next element. If there is no next element, they will complete the journey.
      • Drop from the journey: If users do not see the campaign in the specified duration, they will drop from the journey and be counted as dropped.

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