Architect Channel: Google Ads Customer Match
  • 27 Mar 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read

    Architect Channel: Google Ads Customer Match

      Article Summary

      Google Ads Customer Match lets you find your existing audiences among users on Google. You can leverage this remarketing option to engage with users outside of your platform such as mobile app or website via ads on Google-owned sub-platforms Google Search, Google Display, Google Shopping, YouTube, and Gmail.

      Architect allows you to easily set up Google Ads Customer Match for all your users or based on specific user segments and behavioral triggers. You can create these segments based on users' past behavior, user properties, and real-time interaction on your platform. You can use conditions such as custom attributes or events to trigger Google, and send users to the custom audience on Google.

      How does it work?

      Insider uses Google Ads API to pass users to Google, and fetches information from Google. We use two attributes to identify and match users to audiences: Email address (a Gmail account), and phone number.

      • When sending data to Google, Insider executes hashing according to the SHA256 hash. 
      • The audience can be updated anytime via API without the need for users to visit the platform again.
      • After you launch your journey, the users who reach the Google Ads channel in the journey are passed into the selected Google Ads Audience if they use an email or phone number that matches the one used for accessing their Google account.
      • You can add users to or remove them from the selected Audience via Google Ads channel. 
      • You can also create an audience within the element’s inner page that will show up in your Google Ads account as well.

      Use Cases

      With Google Ads channel in your journeys, you can:

      • Create sophisticated audiences for lookalike targeting,
      • Retarget customers who might not have visited your website for a while,
      • Retarget users who are less responsive to other marketing channels,
      • Create audience suppression to prevent users from receiving advertisements when they are already loyal consumers of your brand,
      • Target high-value users via Google-owned domains such as Google Search, Google Display, Google Shopping, YouTube, and Gmail to convert them.

      Tips & Tricks

      • Architect enables you to design smart journeys to reach the right users. You can use the Check Reachability element before adding the Google Ads Customer Match element to understand users who are eligible to be passed into a custom audience. You can take another action on users or send messages by channels to not lose users on the flow.
      • Targeting a well-segmented audience is quite important as remarketing is a costly option to convert users. You can use advanced segmenting options for journeys to track users' past behavior and actions to pass them to an audience.

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