Apple's IDFA Policy
  • 10 Oct 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

    Apple's IDFA Policy

      Article Summary

      With Apple's policies regarding the IDFA (the Identifier for Advertisers), a few minor updates should be considered to continue running the Remarketing campaigns.

      Campaign deliveries and user tracking on the mobile app are done through data such as push token, user events and attributes, etc. This data is collected through Insider's Mobile SDK. To identify users, Insider utilizes mutually-agreed identifiers such as email, phone number, and unique user ID. If none of these identifiers is integrated, Insider's systems generate an identifier for the users, which has no value outside the Insider database.

      IDFA comes into play only if Insider uses its Remarketing product. This product shows ads on Google and Facebook to users via the IDFA identifier. This means that IDFA and Remarketing are different from the remaining capabilities and features of Insider's mobile product.

      Apple's policy targets precisely the IDFA & Remarketing. To collect IDFA from users, applications need to get their consent just as they do for push opt-in. Without this consent, users will not have their IDFAs shared with Insider hence will not be eligible for Remarketing. If you do not use the Remarketing product, this policy has no effect on your processes.

      For our customers who use the Remarketing product, Insider has an SDK method that needs to be integrated manually by the customers' developer teams in addition to Insider's standard integration. This method sets the IDFA collection ON or OFF at the user level. This means that Insider's SDK does not collect the IDFA by default, and this collection shall be enabled by the customer with an extra integration. If a user gives their consent for IDFA sharing, this method can be used to turn on IDFA collection for the user and vice versa if they decide to opt out from IDFA collection.

      Additional note for Google 3rd Party Cookie policy act

      Regarding Google's policy about cookie usage, mobile app SDK and features do not use any kind of cookies to run. Insider uses direct app integration to collect and use data hence Insider's collection behaves as a first-party that receives data upon trigger rather than getting it from a stored cookie data pool. This policy has no current effects on Insider's mobile app features.

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