Mobile App Integration Wizard
  • 11 Dec 2023
  • 1 Minute to read

    Mobile App Integration Wizard

      Article Summary

      Integration Wizard enables you to complete your SDK integration smoothly and easily by offering a step-by-step guide.

      1. Navigate to Components > Integrations > App Integrations > Integration Wizard.

      2. Click Let's get started to start your wizard. Once you start the wizard, it will start keeping your progress and enable you to resume where you leave on your next visit.

      3. Choose your platform to start with. 

      your title goes here
      If you have a native application, you should choose your platform separately for each operating system.

      4. Follow the instructions in the wizard to complete your SDK integration.

      5. After configuring your integration by setting up FCM, uploading the API and initializing the SDK, connect a test device to test our your integration.

      You can send test messages using the Send Test Push, Send Test Advanced Push and Send Test InApp steps.

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