Status and Error Codes
  • 23 Aug 2023
  • 4 Minutes to read

    Status and Error Codes

      Article Summary

      HTTP status codes are the responses that indicate whether a request has been successfully completed. These status codes serve as a communication medium between the browser and server. 

      The first digit of each status code defines the type of response as follows:

      • 2XX indicates that your request has been successfully completed.
      • 4XX indicates a client error. These are mostly validation errors.
      • 5XX indicates a server error caused by the server itself.

      Below you can see a list of various HTTP status codes that can return as a response to the requests sent to Insider's APIs, along with sample responses:

      Your title goes here
      The responses vary depending on the APIs. Those listed below are sample responses that might return in different cases. You may receive the same codes with different messages.

      200 OK

      This code indicates that the request has been successfully completed.

          "data": {
              "successful": {
                  "count": 1
              "fail": {}

      200 Campaign Created Successfully

      This code indicates that your campaign has been successfully created.

          "response": "Campaign Created."

      201 Created

      This code indicates that your campaign has been successfully created.

          "status_code": 201,
          "content": {
              "message": "Campaign created successfully.",
              "builder_id": "1000",
              "campaign_id": "1230"

      201 Created Success Message

      This code indicates the success message.


      202 Accepted

      This code indicates that your request has been successfully accepted.

          "message": "Accepted",
          "status": 202

      400 Bad Request

      This code indicates that the server cannot proceed due to a client error.

          "success": false,
          "message": "Access Denied. You do not have sufficient access to perform this action."

      400 Unifier Error

      This code indicates that the CRM unifier in your request cannot be found on InOne.

          "success": false,
          "message": "No CRM Unifier found in InOne."

      400 Invalid Config

      This code indicates that the request has invalid config.

          "success": false,
          "message": "Config is invalid."

      400 Invalid Partner

      This code indicates that the partner in the request does not exist.

          "success": false,
          "message": "Partner is invalid."

      400 Maximum Size

      This code indicates that the number of products in the request exceeds the maximum size.

          "success": false,
          "message": "Maximum allowed size is 100."

      400 Invalid API Key

      This code indicates that there is no partner with this API key.

          "response": "No Partner Found With Api Key."

      400 Missing Content

      This code indicates that the request is missing the 'content' parameter.

        "errors": [
          "Missing 'content' parameter"
        "message": "bad-request",
        "status": 400

      400 Connection Error

      This code indicates that there is a connection error.

          "success": false,
          "message": "Could not get CRM Attributes List."

      400 Throttling Exception

      This code indicates that the request exceeds the maximum number of records.

          "success": false,
          "message": "The request is denied. More than 10000 records were sent."

      400 Missing Subject Line

      This code indicates that the request is missing the 'subject' parameter.

        "errors": [
          "Missing 'subject' parameter"
        "message": "bad-request",
        "status": 400

      400 Missing Content Type

      This code indicates that the request is missing the content type.

        "message": "content type must be application/json",
        "status": 400

      400 Missing 'To' Parameter

      This code indicates that the request is missing the 'to' parameter.

        "errors": [
          "Missing 'to' parameter"
        "message": "bad-request",
        "status": 400

      400 Missing 'From' Parameter

      This code indicates that the request is missing the 'from' parameter.

        "errors": [
          "Missing 'from' parameter"
        "message": "bad-request",
        "status": 400

      400 Validation Error Message

      This code indicates that the request is not validated.

         "error":"<Field> is required."

      400 Maximum Allowed Request Size

      This code indicates that the maximum allowed request size is exceeded.

      	"success": false,
      	"message": "Maximum allowed request size is exceeded."

      400 Maximum Allowed Record Count

      This code indicates that the maximum allowed record count is exceeded.

      	"success": false,
      	"message": "Maximum allowed record count is exceeded."

      400 Invalid Data Exception: Couldn't parse JSON

      This code indicates that the request data is not in the valid JSON format.

      	"success": false,
      	"message": "Request data is not in valid JSON format."

      401 Unauthorized

      This code indicates that the API key is incorrect.

          "error": "Bad Api Key."

      401 Invalid API Key

      This code indicates that the provided API key is invalid, expired, or revoked.

        "message": "The provided API key is invalid, expired or revoked",
        "status": 401

      401 Unauthorized Request

      This code indicates that the request is unauthorized.

            "status_code": 401

      401 Unauthorized Error Message

      This code indicates that the request is not authorized.


      401 Partner Cannot Be Validated

      This code indicates that the partner cannot be validated.

      	"success": false

      403 Forbidden

      This code indicates that the access is denied and you do not have the sufficient access to perform this action.

          "success": false,
          "message": "Access Denied. You do not have sufficient access to perform this action."

      403 Authentication Failed

      This code indicates that the request has failed due to missing or invalid authentication key.

      403 Request Limit Exceeded

      This code indicates that the request limit is exceeded.

            "error" : {
                "message" : "Too many attempts, please slow down the request. 30 Requests/minute is allowed."
            "status": 403

      405 Invalid Payload

      This code indicates that the request payload is invalid.

          "error": "Invalid Payload."

      406 Not Acceptable Request

      We are able to provide the analytics data for only the last 1 year.

      422 Missing Parameter

      This code indicates that the request has missing parameter(s).

            "status_code": 422,
            "errors": {
                "field": [
                    "The <field> is required."

      422 Unprocessable Entity

      This code indicates that the request cannot be processed.

          "status_code": 422,
          "errors": {
              "title": [
                  "The title field is required."

      429 Too Many Requests

      This code indicates that the request has exceeded the maximum number of requests per a defined time.

      500 Internal Server Error

      This code indicates that the server cannot process the request due to an unknown error.

          "success": false,
          "message": "The request processing has failed because of an unknown error."

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