Send Targeted App Pushes
  • 16 Feb 2024
  • 6 Minutes to read

    Send Targeted App Pushes

      Article Summary


      You can use the Targeted Push API in various cases such as sending status update of an order from your e-commerce platform, or informing users of a sale on an item that was in their wishlist.

      You can reach the analytics of your targeted push notifications sent via this API through Reports > Mobile App Analytics > Push API Campaigns on Inone.

      Endpoint and Headers



      HeaderSample ValueDescription
      Content-Typeapplication/jsonThis header specifies the media type of the resource.

      Body Parameters

      ParameterDescriptionData TypeRequired
      headlineTitle of the advanced push itemStringYes
      descriptionDescription of the advanced push itemStringYes
      api_keyYour API key. Refer to API Authentication Tokens to get your API key.StringYes
      notificationsThe array of notification object that includes the push dataArrayYes

      The object that contains the unique identifier of the user. The key can be an identifier such as email, phone_number or uuid. E.g. "phone_number": "+651234567890".

      ID of the campaign that can be used to retrieve the statistics of the push notification via Statistics API. You can set any campaign ID.IntegerYes
      Name of the push notificationStringYes
      Title of the push notificationStringYes
      Content of the push notificationStringYes
      URL of the image in rich push notificationsStringYes
      Expiration time of the push notification in secondsIntegerNo
      true shows the optin delivery count information in the API response. false does not show the count.BooleanNo
      Object for Android detailsObjectNo
      Object for iOS detailsObjectNo
      ID of the notification threadIntegerNo
      Key/value pairs to be passed to the application in the push payload. The most common use of deep links is sending the user to the selected landing page when they open the push notification.ObjectNo
      Name of the custom sound file in your app to play a custom soundStringNo
      Badge for iOSIntegerNo
      (iOS only) true sends the notifications with content--available=1 but notification does not show up. This can be used to execute background tasks remotely.BooleanNo

      To add key-value pairs to the deep_link object, you can use the following deep link keys depending on its type:

      • ins_dl_internal for an internal deep link,
      • ins_dl_external for an external deep link,
      • ins_dl_url_scheme for a URL scheme deep link,
      • ins_dl_json for a JSON deep link.

      The URL in the value should always start with https://.

      Sample Example

      Sample Body

      The following is a sample body to send targeted app push notifications.

      App push notifications are sent to a user's last active device.

      Your title goes here
      camp_id allows you to list your app push notifications in the Message Center, and get campaign-based reporting of your Push API campaigns. When replacing the sample values in the payload, make sure to use a unique campaign ID value in the camp_id key.
          "api_key": "Your API Key goes here",
          "report_attributes": [
          "notifications": [
                  "identifiers": {
                      "": "",
                      "INSIDER.phone_number": "+65123456789",
                      "INSIDER.uuid": "1234567890"
                  "camp_id": 1,
                  "camp_name": "Your push notification campaign name goes here",
                  "title": "Your push notification title goes here",
                  "message": "Your push content goes here.",
                  "image_url": "https://your_image_url.jpg",
                  "ttl": 1,
                  "check_optin": true,
                  "android": {
                      "thread-id": 1,
                      "sound": "sound_check",
                      "deep_link": {
                          "ins_dl_internal": "https://www.deeplink.useinsider"
                  "ios": {
                      "thread-id": 1,
                      "badge": 1,
                      "deliver_silently": true,
                      "mutable-content": true,
                      "sound": "sound_check",
                      "content-available": true,
                      "deep_link": {
                          "ins_dl_internal": "https://www.deeplink.useinsider"

      Add advanced_push_payload in notifications if you would like to use Advanced PushesThe advanced_push_type value can be a carousel or slider. The following are the parameters of the advanced_push_payload.

      ParameterDefinitionData TypeRequired
      advanced_push_typeType of the advanced push: carousel or sliderStringYes
      advanced_push_itemsDetails of the advanced pushArrayYes
      URL of the image in rich push notificationsStringYes
      Key/value pairs to be passed to the application in the push payload. The most common use of deep links is sending the user to the selected landing page when they open the push notification.ObjectNo
      Description for your pushStringYes
      Title for your pushStringYes
      ID of your pushIntegerYes

      For further details on advanced pushes, refer to Send advanced app pushes API.

          "api_key": "Your API Key goes here",
          "report_attributes": [
          "notifications": [
                  "identifiers": {
                      "": "",
                      "INSIDER.phone_number": "+9059713551597135123",
                      "INSIDER.uuid": "5971351231234567"
                  "advanced_push_payload": {
                      "advanced_push_type": "carousel",
                      "advanced_push_items": [
                              "image_url": "https://your_image_url.jpg",
                              "deep_links": {
                                  "your_deeplink_key": "value1"
                              "description": "Description for the item 1",
                              "headline": "Title for the item 1",
                              "id": 1
                              "image_url": "https://your_image_url.jpg",
                              "deep_links": {
                                  "your_deeplink_key": "value2"
                              "description": "Description for the item 2",
                              "headline": "Title for the item 2",
                              "id": 2
                              "image_url": "https://your_image_url.jpg",
                              "deep_links": {
                                  "your_deeplink_key": "value3"
                              "description": "Description for the item 3",
                              "headline": "Title for the item 3",
                              "id": 3
                  "camp_id": 1,
                  "camp_name": "Your push notification campaign name goes here",
                  "title": "Your push notification title goes here",
                  "message": "Your push content goes here",
                  "image_url": "https://your_image_url.jpg",
                  "ttl": 1,
                  "send_single_user": true,
                  "check_optin": true,
                  "android": {
                      "thread-id": 1,
                      "sound": "sound_check",
                      "deep_link": {
                          "ins_dl_internal": "https://www.deeplink.useinsider"
                  "ios": {
                      "thread-id": 13,
                      "badge": 1,
                      "deliver_silently": true,
                      "mutable-content": true,
                      "sound": "sound_check",
                      "content-available": true,
                      "deep_link": {
                          "ins_dl_internal": "https://www.deeplink.useinsider"
      Your title goes here
      You can replace theadvanced_push_payload.advanced_push_items[n].deep_links.your_deeplink_key  with a custom deep link key, or use one of the following default keys: ins_dl_internal, ins_dl_external, ins_dl_url_scheme, or ins_dl_json.

      Sample Responses

      200 OK

      You will receive the following response if you send your request with the report_attributes array.

      Your title goes here
      insider_id represents the profile ID in user profiles.
          "successes": [
                  "INSIDER.age": null,
                  "INSIDER.app_version": "4.0",
                  "INSIDER.birthday": null,
                  "INSIDER.carrier": "mycarrier",
                  "INSIDER.device_language": "en",
                  "INSIDER.device_token": "d07951020f3835bbc303084ecda3746170cfb5d696ddcc55b6",
                  "": "",
                  "INSIDER.email_optin": null,
                  "INSIDER.environment": "production",
                  "INSIDER.gender": null,
                  "INSIDER.idfa": "AF3CCF3F-0V8E-6571-B296-E9BDFF7",
                  "INSIDER.insider_id": "940E4A98F309288AAC8C4",
                  "INSIDER.language": null,
                  "INSIDER.last_ip": null,
                  "INSIDER.location_optin": false,
                  "INSIDER.model": "iPhone 11",
                  "": "John Smith",
                  "INSIDER.os_version": "14.7.1",
                  "INSIDER.package_name": "com.useinsider.iGurmeV3",
                  "INSIDER.phone_number": "+65123456789",
                  "INSIDER.platform": "iOS",
                  "INSIDER.push_optin": true,
                  "INSIDER.screen_height": null,
                  "INSIDER.screen_width": null,
                  "INSIDER.sdk_version": "10.6.0-RN-4.0.0",
                  "INSIDER.sms_optin": null,
                  "INSIDER.surname": null,
                  "INSIDER.timezone": "Europe/Helsinki",
                  "INSIDER.udid": "98BB170F5078F309288AAC8C4"
          "errors": {}

      You will receive the following response if you send your request without the report_attributes array.

          "successes": [
                  "INSIDER.device_token": "d07951020f3084ecd4d3deda3746170cfb5d69672c055b6"
          "errors": {}

      There might be cases where the request returns a 200 response but the app pushes cannot be sent to users. The following list displays the reasons for these cases.


      400 Bad Request

      The following response returns if your request is missing an identifier.

          "error": "empty_insider_identifiers",
          "message": "'insider_identifiers' object need to have at least one identifier"

      400 Bad Request

      The following response returns if the notifications array is empty.

        "error": "invalid_notifications",
        "message": "'notifications' is empty, add some notification objects"

      400 Bad Request

      The following response returns if the array has more than 20 objects.

        "error": "invalid_notifications",
        "message": "'notifications' can't have more than 20 objects"

      400 Bad Request

      The following response returns if the deep link is blacklisted.

        "error": "blacklisted_deeplink",
        "message": "deepLink can't contain 'aps' key"

      400 Bad Request

      The following response returns if the camp ID or channel ID is a negative integer. 

        "error": "negative_integer",
        "message": "camp_id' and/or 'channel_id' must be greater than zero"

      400 Bad Request

      The following response returns if the advanced push type is invalid.

        "error": "invalid_advanced_push_type",
        "message": "'advanced_push_type' must be either Carousel or Slider"

      400 Bad Request

      The following response returns if the certificate is invalid. 

        "error": "invalid_certificate",
        "message": "You do not have a validated certificate. Please check Certificate section under Insider's Settings."

      401 Unauthorized

      The following response returns if the API key is either empty or wrong.

          "error": "bad_api_key",
          "message": "'api_key' is either empty or wrong. You can get your API key from Insider Dashboard"

      Fail Records Messages

      InvalidRegistration (Android)Check the format of the registration passed to the server. Make sure it matches the registration token the client app receives from registering with FCM. Do not truncate or add additional characters.
      NotRegistered (Android)User uninstalled the app and is no longer reachable.
      MismatchSenderId (Android)Google Sender ID used in the integration and the FCM Server Key do not belong to the same parent Google Account.
      BadDeviceToken (iOS)The application and the app environment do not match. One is in development and the other is in production environment.
      DeviceTokenNotForTopic (iOS)Push notification certificate topic and the application package name do not match.
      Unregistered (iOS)User uninstalled the app and is no longer reachable.


      • All functions must be executed with a simple HTTPS POST request.
      • The API key should be provided in the request body. If the key is incorrect, no operation will be executed.
      • You must complete the identifier integration with Insider SDK's user object for your platforms. See Android, iOS, React Native, Flutter, and Cordova for further details.
      • The camp ID value should be greater than 0.
      • The preferred_type value can be slider or carousel.
      • The Android channel ID value should be greater than 0.

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      Eddy, a super-smart generative AI, opening up ways to have tailored queries and responses