Add a new goal
  • 26 Apr 2024
  • 1 Minute to read

    Add a new goal

      Article Summary

      Creating a campaign, you will see Goals as one of the steps you need to configure. You can see purchases and clicks goals on this page. These are default goals on which you do not need to make any changes. Once you launch your campaign, you can start tracking these two goals under the respective analytics. 

      To add a goal, you can either search for a pre-existing goal or create a new one. 

      To create a new goal, follow the steps below.

      1. Click Create Goal to open the side modal on the right side of your window.
      2. Set a goal name for your goal.
      3. Select one goal you want to track from the available Goal Types.
      4. Enter the required value in the fields that appear depending on the goal type you select.
      5. Select a Rule Match Type depending on your goal type and save this step.
      your title goes here
      If you add a new goal or select one from the existing ones, you can set them as Primary Goal too.

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