A/B Auto-Winner Selection
  • 31 Jan 2024
  • 1 Minute to read

    A/B Auto-Winner Selection

      Article Summary

      With A/B Winner Autoselection, you can authorize the AI-backed system to select the winner path and direct all users to that path automatically based on the metrics you select. This feature removes the need of manually checking the A/B split results, tracking each path's success, and creating another journey with the winner path. Instead, you can enable the autoselection, let the system determine the best path in a specific duration, and automatically direct users to that path once the calculation is completed.

      A winner path enables you to send your messages to the right users at the right time with the right content by the right channel and engage your users. This will help you:

      • Improve the performance of your journey,
      • Take actions based on A/B test results,
      • Increase the effectiveness of the journey by allocating users to the option with better conversions.

      How does it work?

      Once you enable Winner Autoselection on the A/B Split element, the system calculates the best path according to two variables: winner metric and calculation duration. For example, you select Conversions as your winner metric and set your calculation duration to 30 days. You launch your journey and wait for 30 days for the announcement of the winner path. The Winner Autoselection determines the best path which brings the most conversions within this duration. 

      To enable winner autoselection, follow these steps:

      1. After adding the A/B split element, check the Enable Winner Autoselection box.
      2. Select one of the following metrics for the system to use to determine a winner: 

      • Total opens & clicks: Total opens and clicks of the channel used in the A/B split path(s).
      • Open & click rate: Open and click rate of the channel used in the A/B split path(s).
      • Conversions: Conversions of the channel used in the A/B split path(s).
      • Conversion rate: Conversion rate of the channel used in the A/B split path(s).
      • Revenue: Revenue of the channel used in the A/B split path(s).
        3. Select an autoselection limit: Time limit or user limit. The system uses this limit to finish the calculation of the winner.

      A/B Split Analytics

      A/B Split analytics help you see how your options perform on the paths. You can also see the A/B winner autoselection results on the A/B split analytics based on the selected metric.

      Your title goes here
      Read more on A/B Split Analytics.

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