Developer Guide Glossary
  • 24 Oct 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read

    Developer Guide Glossary

      Article Summary

      This page provides an alphabetical list of terms, and definitions used within Insider Developer Guide both as a reference and as a guide to have a uniform understanding.


      An algorithm is a set of well-defined rules or processes to follow to accomplish a task. Smart Recommender has a variety of algorithms that can work with different page types by aiming to increase clicks and conversions powered by Machine Learning. 

      AI - Artificial Intelligence

      Artificial Intelligence makes it possible for machines to learn from experience, adjust to new information, and execute human-like activities by simulating. 

      Authentication Token

      Authentication tokens are the credentials provided for the right of access to be able to send requests to APIs. 


      It is a part of API security which grants access to users requiring to apply for access, and the authorized user will be granted keys or a token.


      API stands for Application Programming Interface. It includes the set of rules that define how application programs communicate with each other. Refer to Insider APIs for further information.

      API Integration

      API integration is the usage of APIs to enable communication between two web tools or applications. 

      API Key

      An API key is the unique code that identifies and authenticates a user or an application or calling program to an API. Refer to API Authentication Tokens for further information.

      API Request

      API request is the set of information to be submitted to the server to understand and return a response properly. 

      API Response

      It is a generic message the server sends back to the client after understanding and interpreting the request submitted.


      It is a hardware or software component that has the storage of certain elements so that they will have faster load times for future requests. 


      Callbacks allow you to receive notifications whenever an object changes or something important happens to that object. APIs can use callbacks to signal an event of interest and share data related to that event. 


      CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It is a programming language that is used in Frontend, therefore, responsible for defining the graphic display of websites by interacting with HTML elements. 


      CSV stands for Comma-Separated Values. It is a text file in a specific format which enables you to save data in a table structured format. 


      It is the location where APIs can access the resources they require to carry out their function.


      Headers are used by the server to pass additional information with request and response.


      HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It is the protocol defining how devices communicate. A protocol with the letter S (Secure) at the end means it provides an encrypted connection. HTTPS is suggested to be used wherever personal data is processed.

      Request Methods

      Different types of HTTPS methods are available which basically tell the API what you’re trying to do with your data. Some of the common ones are;

      • GET: getting information that already exists
      • POST: creating something new
      • PATCH: modifying information that already exists
      • DELETE: removing information that already exists
      • PUT: creating something new or updating information that already exists

      Insider Object

      Insider Object is a JavaScript object that enables you to collect and access more user information, enhancing your site’s performance with Insider products. 

      • Page Object includes the properties of the current page (e.g. Home, Product, Listing, Confirmation). 
      • User Object includes the user properties. 
      • Listing Object includes the information about a category or a search result page. 
      • Product Object includes the product properties.
      • Basket Object includes the properties of the product(s) in the customer's basket. 
      • Transaction Object includes information of the completed purchase.

      Insider Tag

      Insider Tag is a JavaScript code whose integration is required to track user behavior on your website, such as purchase data and visit history. 


      JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation. It is a standard text-based format based on a subset of JavaScript programming language standards. 


      Metric is the measurement of a particular characteristic that is quantifiable or countable.


      • Header parameters: Parameters included in the request header, usually related to authorization.
      • Body parameters: Parameters sent to the API to specify the data.
      • Query parameters: Parameters attached to the end of a URL helping define the specific content.


      The payload is the important data required by the server to generate a response.


      SDK stands for Software Development Kit. It is a set of development tools to write application programs.


      Syntax is the structure of statements in a computer language. Each programming language has its unique syntax.

      System Rules

      System Rules are functions defined to understand the geography of your website and track customers’ activity throughout it — what type of pages they visit, which products they view or add to cart, if they complete their transaction, how many categories they visit, etc. System rules are defined by Insider. If you make insider object integration, system rules are updated with Insider Object.


      Webhooks are ways of augmenting or changing the behavior of web pages with customized callbacks. They are typically used to connect two different applications in real-time for sending event data and are seen as an extension of APIs. 

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      Eddy, a super-smart generative AI, opening up ways to have tailored queries and responses