Default Events
  • 12 Dec 2024
  • 20 Minutes to read

Default Events

Article summary

Default events are user events that Insider defines for your account in advance. These events are based on the requirements of Insider’s products and common user actions. In addition to the default events, you can create custom events for actions not covered in this list or for specific custom use cases.

The default events are categorized as:

Pageview Events

Default Pageview Events are fired based on the page type a user is on at that time. For example, if a user is visiting the home page, the Homepage View event is triggered along with the respective event parameters. The default pageview events and their event parameters are as follows:

  • Homepage View: Session ID, source, URL, device type, and referrer.
  • Listing Page View: Session ID, taxonomy, source, URL, device type, and referrer.
  • Product Detail Page View: Product ID, name, taxonomy, currency, unit price, unit sale price, quantity, product image URL, session ID, unit size, source, URL, device type, and referrer.
  • Cart Page View: Product ID, name, taxonomy, currency, unit price, unit sale price, quantity, unit size, product image URL, session ID, event group ID, category, source, URL, device type, and referrer.
  • Purchase (Confirmation Page View): Product ID, name, taxonomy, currency, unit price, unit sale price, quantity, product image URL, session ID, shipping cost, voucher name, voucher discount, promotion name, promotion discount, event group ID, quantity, unit size, color, source, URL, device type, and referrer.
  • Other Pageview: Session ID, source, URL, device type, and referrer.
EventEvent ParameterDisplay NameDefinitionSourceType
Homepage ViewsidSession IDThe ID of the session where the event is firedWeb / MobileString
sourceSourceSource of the event (e.g. email, web, etc.)WebString
urlURLURL of the page where the event is firedWebString
device_typeDevice TypeThe type of device used to fire the eventWebString
referrerReferrerThe referrer page of the page where the event is firedWebString
Listing Page ViewsidSession IDThe ID of the session where the event is firedWeb / MobileString
taTaxonomyTaxonomy of the page where the event is firedWeb / MobileStrings
sourceSourceSource of the event (e.g. email, web, etc.)WebString
urlURLURL of the page where the event is firedWebString
device_typeDevice TypeThe type of device used to fire the eventWebString
referrerReferrerThe referrer page of the page where the event is firedWebString
Product Detail Page ViewpidProduct IDProduct IDWeb / MobileString
naNameProduct nameWeb / MobileString
taTaxonomyTaxonomy of the productWeb / MobileStrings
cuCurrencyCurrency of the productWeb / MobileString
upUnit PriceUnit price of the productWeb / MobileNumber
uspUnit Sale PriceUnit sale price of the productWeb / MobileNumber
quQuantityQuantity of the productWeb / MobileNumber
piuProduct Image URLImage URL of the productWeb / MobileString
sidSession IDThe ID of the session where the event is fired Web / MobileString
siUnit SizeUnit sizeMobileString
sourceSourceSource of the event (e.g. email, web, etc.)WebString
urlURLURL of the page where the event is firedWebString
device_typeDevice TypeThe type of device used to fire the eventWebString
referrerReferrerThe referrer page of the page where the event is firedWebString
Cart Page ViewpidProduct IDProduct IDWeb / MobileString
naNameProduct nameWeb / MobileString
taTaxonomyTaxonomy of the productWeb / MobileStrings
cuCurrencyCurrency of the productWeb / MobileString
upUnit PriceUnit price of the productWeb / MobileNumber
uspUnit Sale PriceUnit sale price of the productWeb / MobileNumber
piuProduct Image URLImage URL of the productWeb / MobileString
quQuantityQuantity of the productWeb / MobileNumber
siUnit SizeUnit SizeMobileString
sidSession IDThe ID of the session where the event is firedWeb / MobileString
e_guidEvent Group IDGroup ID of the eventWeb / MobileString
sourceSourceSource of the event (e.g. email, web, etc.)

urlURLURL of the page where the event is firedWebString
device_typeDevice TypeThe type of device used to fire the eventWebString
referrerReferrerThe referrer page of the page where the event is firedWebString
Purchase (Confirmation Page View)pidProduct IDProduct IDWeb / MobileString
naNameProduct nameWeb / MobileString
taTaxonomyTaxonomy of the productWeb / MobileStrings
cuCurrencyCurrency of the productWeb / MobileString
upUnit PriceUnit price of the productWeb / MobileNumber
uspUnit Sale PriceUnit sale price of the productWeb / MobileNumber
piuProduct Image URLImage URL of the productWeb / MobileString
sidSession IDThe ID of the session where the event is firedWeb / MobileString
scShipping CostShipping cost of the productWeb / MobileNumber
vnVoucher NameVoucher nameWeb / MobileString
vdVoucher DiscountThe discount applied by the voucherWeb / MobileNumber
pnPromotion NamePromotion nameWeb / MobileString
pdPromotion DiscountThe discount applied by the promotionWeb / MobileNumber
e_guidEvent Group IDGroup ID of the eventWeb / MobileString
quQuantityQuantity of the productWeb / MobileNumber
siUnit SizeUnit sizeMobileString
coColorColor of the productMobileString
sourceSourceSource of the event (e.g. email, web, etc.WebString
urlURLURL of the page where the event is firedWebString
device_typeDevice TypeThe type of device used to fire the eventWebString
referrerReferrerThe referrer page of the page where the event is firedWebString
Other PageviewsidSession IDThe ID of the session where the event is firedWeb / MobileString
sourceSourceSource of the event (e.g. email, web, etc.WebString
urlURLURL of the page where the event is firedWebString
device_typeDevice TypeThe type of device used to fire the eventWebString
referrerReferrerThe referrer page of the page where the event is firedWebString

User Events

Default User Events are fired based on user actions. For example, if a user joins a lead collection campaign, the Lead Collected event is triggered. If they clear their cart, the Cart Cleared event is fired. The default user events and their event parameters are as follows:

  • Cart Cleared: Session ID
  • Item Added to Cart: Product ID, name, taxonomy, currency, unit price, unit sale price, stock, color, size, product image URL, session ID, shipping cost, voucher name, voucher discount, promotion name, promotion discount, event group ID, source, quantity, URL, device type, and referrer.
  • Item Removed from Cart: Product ID, name, taxonomy, currency, unit price, unit sale price, stock, color, size, product image URL, session ID, shipping cost, voucher name, voucher discount, promotion name, promotion discount, event group ID, source, URL, device type, and referrer.
  • Signup Completed: No event parameter
  • Lead Collected: Campaign ID
EventEvent ParameterDisplay NameDefinitionSourceType
Cart ClearedsidSession IDThe ID of the session where the event is firedWeb / MobileString
Item Added to CartpidProduct IDProduct IDWeb / MobileString
naNameProduct nameWeb / MobileString
taTaxonomyTaxonomy of the productWeb / MobileStrings
cuCurrencyCurrency of the productWeb / MobileString
upUnit PriceUnit price of the productWeb / MobileNumber
uspUnit Sale PriceUnit sale price of the productWeb / MobileNumber
stStockStock of the productWeb / MobileNumber
coColorColor of the productWeb / MobileString
siSizeSize of the productWeb / MobileString
piuProduct Image URLImage URL of the productWeb / MobileString
sidSession IDThe ID of the session where the event is firedWeb / MobileString
scShipping CostShipping cost of the productWeb / MobileNumber
vnVoucher NameVoucher nameWeb / MobileString
vdVoucher DiscountDiscount applied by the voucherWeb / MobileNumber
pnPromotion NamePromotion nameWeb / MobileString
pdPromotion DiscountDiscount applied by the voucherWeb / MobileNumber
e_guidEvent Group IDGroup ID of the eventWeb / MobileString
sourceSourceSource of the event (e.g. email, web, etc.)WebString
quQuantityQuantity of the productWebNumber
urlURLURL of the page where the event is firedWebString
device_typeDevice TypeThe type of device used to fire the eventWebString
referrerReferrerThe referrer page of the page where the event is firedWebString
Item Removed from CartpidProduct IDProduct IDWeb / MobileString
naNameProduct nameWeb / MobileString
taTaxonomyTaxonomy of the productWeb / MobileStrings
cuCurrencyCurrency of the productWeb / MobileString
upUnit PriceUnit price of the productWeb / MobileNumber
uspUnit Sale PriceUnit sale price of the productWeb / MobileNumber
stStockStock of the productWeb / MobileNumber
coColorColor of the productWeb / MobileString
siSizeSize of the productWeb / MobileString
piuProduct Image URLImage URL of the productWeb / MobileString
sidSession IDThe ID of the session where the event is firedWeb / MobileString
scShipping CostShipping cost of the productWeb / MobileNumber
vnVoucher NameVoucher nameWeb / MobileString
vdVoucher DiscountThe discount applied by the voucherWeb / MobileNumber
pnPromotion NamePromotion nameWeb / MobileString
pdPromotion DiscountThe discount applied by the promotionWeb / MobileNumber
e_guidEvent Group IDGroup ID of the eventWeb / MobileString
sourceSourceSource of the event (e.g. email, web, etc.WebString
urlURLURL of the page where the event is firedWebString
device_typeDevice TypeThe type of device used to fire the eventWebString
referrerReferrerThe referrer page of the page where the event is firedWebString
Signup CompletedNo event parameterWeb-
Lead Collectedcampaign_idCampaign IDID of the campaign that collected the leadWebNumber

Mobile App Events

Default Mobile App Events are triggered by mobile app campaigns and are based on users' interactions with these campaigns. For example, if a user sees an inApp campaign, the InApp Seen event is fired. The default mobile app events and their event parameters are as follows:

  • InApp Seen: InApp ID, variant ID, dismiss type, Journey ID, and Journey Name.
  • Push Delivered: Camp ID, camp type, deep links, dry run, image URL, message, title, variant ID, Journey ID, and Journey Name.
  • Mobile Social Proof Seen: No event parameter
  • App Push Opened (push_session): Variant ID, camp type, camp ID, Journey ID, and Journey Name.
  • Mobile App Opened (session_start): No event parameter
  • Survey Result (survey_result): camp_id, variant_id, answer, crea, and question.
EventEvent ParameterDisplay NameDefinitionSourceType
InApp Seeninapp_idInapp IDID of the inapp seen by the userMobileNumber
variant_idVariant IDVariant ID of the inapp seen by the userMobileNumber
dismiss_typeDismiss TypeThe dismiss action the user takes on an inapp campaignMobileNumber
journey_idJourney IDJourney ID when the campaign is a journey campaign
journey_nameJourney NameJourney name when the campaign is a journey campaign
Push Deliveredcamp_idCamp IDID of the push campaign delivered to the userMobileNumber
camp_typeCamp TypeType of the push campaign delivered to the userMobileNumber
deep_linksDeep LinksDeep links in the push campaign delivered to the userMobileString
image_urlImage URLImage URL of the push campaign delivered to the userMobileString
messageMessageMessage of the push campaign delivered to the userMobileString
titleTitleTitle of the push campaign delivered to the userMobileString
variant_idVariant IDVariant ID of the push delivered to the userMobileNumber
journey_idJourney IDJourney ID when the campaign is a journey campaign
journey_nameJourney NameJourney name when the campaign is a journey campaign
App Push Openedvariant_idVariant IDVariant ID of the app push opened by the userMobileNumber
camp_typeCamp TypeType of the push campaign opened by the userMobileNumber
camp_idCamp IDID of the push campaign seen by the userMobileNumber
journey_idJourney IDID of the push campaign seen by the userMobileString
journey_nameJourney NameID of the push campaign seen by the userMobileString
Mobile App OpenedNo event parameterMobile-
Survey Resultcamp_idCamp IDID of the push campaign delivered to the userMobileString
variant_idVariant IDID of the variant of the survey that the user participated inMobileString
answerAnswerThe user's response to the survey
questionQuestionThe survey question to which the user responded

Email Events

Default Email Events are fired by the Email campaigns and are based on users' interactions with these campaigns. For example, if a user clicks a link in an email campaign, the Email Click event is triggered.

Your title goes here
In a journey, when the Email channel triggers email events, the Journey ID and Journey Name are included as parameters in those events, such as the Email Delivered event. However, the Campaign ID, Campaign Name, and Variation ID are not included in these events, as they are not relevant to journey-triggered emails. In contrast, once a promotional bulk email campaign is launched and sent to users, the Campaign ID, Campaign Name, and Variation ID are included as event parameters.

The default email events and their event parameters are as follows:

  • Email Delivered: Email campaign ID, campaign name, variation ID, subject, user agent, IP address, Journey ID, and Journey Name.
  • Email Open: Email campaign ID, campaign name, variation ID, subject, user agent, IP address, machine open, human open, Journey ID, and Journey Name.
  • Email Click: Email campaign ID, campaign name, variation ID, subject, user agent, IP address, URL, URL offset index, URL offset type, Journey ID, and Journey Name.
  • Email Bounce: Email campaign ID, campaign name, variation ID, subject, IP address, reason, type, Journey ID, and Journey Name.
  • Email Block: Email campaign ID, campaign name, variation ID, subject, IP address, reason, type, Journey ID, and Journey Name.
  • Email Spam Report: Email campaign ID, campaign name, variation ID, subject, user agent, IP address, Journey ID, and Journey Name.
  • Email Group Unsubscribe: Email campaign ID, campaign name, variation ID, subject, user agent, IP address, group ID, Journey ID, and Journey Name.
  • Email Group Resubscribe: Email campaign ID, campaign name, variation ID, subject, user agent, IP address, group ID, Journey ID, and Journey Name.
  • Email Unsubscribe: Email campaign ID, campaign name, variation ID, subject, user agent, IP address, Journey ID, and Journey Name.
  • Email Resubscribe: Email campaign ID, campaign name, variation ID, subject, user agent, IP address, Journey ID, and Journey Name.
EventEvent ParameterDisplay NameDefinitionSourceType
Email Deliveredemail_campaign_idEmail Campaign IDID of the email campaign delivered to a user within a given time periodEmailNumber
campaign_nameCampaign NameName of the email campaign delivered to a user within a given time periodEmailString
variation_idVariation IDVariation ID of the email campaign delivered to a user within a given time periodEmailString
subjectSubjectSubject of the delivered email campaign EmailString
user_agentUser AgentThe user agent responsible for the event. This is usually a web browser.EmailString
ip_addressIP addressIP address of the recipient who engaged with the emailEmailString
journey_idJourney IDJourney ID when the campaign is a journey campaignEmailString
journey_nameJourney NameJourney name when the campaign is a journey campaignEmailString
Email Openemail_campaign_idEmail Campaign IDID of the email campaign opened by a user within a given time periodEmailNumber
campaign_nameCampaign NameName of the email campaign opened by a user within a given time periodEmailString
variation_idVariation IDVariation ID of the email campaign opened by a user within a given time periodEmailString
subject SubjectSubject of the opened email campaign EmailString
user_agentUser AgentThe user agent responsible for the event. This is usually a web browser.EmailString
IP Address
IP address of the recipient who engaged with the email
machine_openMachine OpenIndicates if the email is opened by a machineEmailBoolean
human_openHuman OpenIndicates if the email is opened by a humanEmailBoolean
Journey ID
Journey ID when the campaign is a journey campaign
Journey Name
Journey name when the campaign is a journey campaign
Email Clickemail_campaign_idEmail Campaign IDID of the email campaign clicked by a user within a given time periodEmailNumber
campaign_nameCampaign NameName of the email campaign clicked by a user within a given time periodEmailString
variation_idVariation IDVariation ID of the email campaign clicked by a user within a given time periodEmailString
subject Subject Subject of the clicked email campaign EmailString
User AgentThe user agent responsible for the event. This is usually a web browser.
ip_addressIP AddressIP address of the recipient who engaged with the email
urlURLURL of the email campaign clicked by a user within a given time period
URL Offset Index
The index number of the same link in an email. This tells you which of the identical links was clicked. Links are indexed beginning at 0.
url_offset_typeURL Offset TypeThe type of link can be either text, HTML, or a header. `type` indicates the type of the link that was clicked.EmailString
journey_idJourney IDJourney ID when the campaign is a journey campaign
journey_nameJourney NameJourney name when the campaign is a journey campaign
Email Bounceemail_campaign_idEmail Campaign IDID of the bounced email campaignEmailNumber
campaign_nameCampaign NameName of the bounced email campaignEmailString
variation_idVariation IDVariation ID of the bounced email campaignEmailString
subjectSubjectSubject of the bounced email campaign
ip_addressIP AddressIP address of the recipient who engaged with the email
reasonReasonThe reason why the email campaign is bounced
typeTypeType of the email bounceEmailString
journey_idJourney ID
Journey ID when the campaign is a journey campaign
journey_nameJourney Name
Journey name when the campaign is a journey campaign
Email Blockemail_campaign_idEmail Campaign IDID of the campaign whose recipient's address is blockedEmailNumber
campaign_nameCampaign NameName of the campaign whose recipient's address is blockedEmailString
variation_idVariation IDVariation ID of the campaign whose recipient's address is blockedEmailString
subjectSubjectSubject of the blocked email campaignEmailString
ip_addressIP AddressIP address of the recipient who engaged with the emailEmailString
reasonReasonThe reason why the email campaign is blockedEmailString
typeTypeType of the email blockEmailString
journey_idJourney ID
Journey ID when the campaign is a journey campaign
journey_nameJourney Name
Journey name when the campaign is a journey campaign
Email Spam Reportemail_campaign_idEmail Campaign IDID of the email campaign marked as spamEmailNumber
campaign_nameCampaign NameName of the campaign marked as spam
variation_idVariation IDVariation ID of the campaign marked as spam
subjectSubjectSubject of the email campaign reported as spamEmailString
user_agentUser AgentThe user agent responsible for the event. This is usually a web browser.EmailString
ip_addressIP AddressIP address of the recipient who engaged with the emailEmailString
Journey ID
Journey ID when the campaign is a journey campaign
Journey Name
Journey name when the campaign is a journey campaign
Email Group Unsubscribeemail_campaign_idEmail Campaign IDID of the email campaign whose category users partially unsubscribe fromEmailNumber
campaign_nameCampaign NameName of the email campaign whose category users partially unsubscribe fromEmailString
variation_idVariation IDVariation ID of the email campaign whose users partially unsubscribe fromEmailString
subjectSubjectSubject of the email campaign group unsubscribed fromEmailString
user_agentUser AgentThe user agent responsible for the event. This is usually a web browser.EmailString
ip_addressIP AddressIP address of the recipient who engaged with the emailEmailString
group_idGroup IDGroup ID of the email campaign unsubscribed fromEmailNumber
journey_idJourney IDJourney ID when the campaign is a journey campaign
journey_nameJourney NameJourney name when the campaign is a journey campaign
Email Group Resubscribeemail_campaign_idEmail Campaign IDID of the email campaign whose category users resubscribe from
campaign_nameCampaign NameName of the email campaign whose category users resubscribe from
variation_idVariation IDVariation ID of the email campaign whose category users partially resubscribed from
subjectSubjectSubject of the email campaign group resubscribed from
user_agentUser AgentThe user agent responsible for the event. This is usually a web browser.
ip_addressIP AddressIP address of the recipient who engaged with the emailEmailString
group_idGroup IDGroup ID of the email campaign resubscribed fromEmailNumber
journey_idJourney IDJourney ID when the campaign is a journey campaignEmailString
journey_nameJourney NameJourney name when the campaign is a journey campaignEmailString
Email Unsubscribeemail_campaign_idEmail Campaign IDID of the email campaign marked as global unsubscribe by usersEmailNumber
campaign_nameCampaign NameName of the email campaign marked as global unsubscribe by usersEmailString
variation_idVariation IDVariation ID of the email campaign marked as global unsubcribe by usersEmailString
subjectSubjectSubject of the email campaign unsubscribed fromEmailString
user_agentUser AgentThe user agent responsible for the event. This is usually a web browser.EmailString
ip_addressIP AddressIP address of the recipient who engaged with the emailEmailString
journey_idJourney IDJourney ID when the campaign is a journey campaign
journey_nameJourney NameJourney name when the campaign is a journey campaign
Email Resubscribeemail_campaign_idEmail Campaign IDID of the email campaign marked as resubscribed by users
campaign_nameCampaign NameName of the email campaign marked as resubscribed by users
variation_idVariation IDVariation ID of the email campaign marked as resubscribed by users
subjectSubjectSubject of the email campaign resubscribed fromEmailString
user_agentUser AgentThe user agent responsible for the event. This is usually a web browser.EmailString
ip_addressIP AddressIP address of the recipient who engaged with the emailEmailString
journey_idJourney ID
Journey ID when the campaign is a journey campaign
journey_nameJourney Name
Journey name when the campaign is a journey campaign

Architect Events

Default Architect Events are fired by the Architect journeys and are based on users' interactions with these campaigns. For example, if a user enters a journey, the Journey Enter event is triggered. The default Architect events are as follows:

  • Journey Enter: Journey ID, name, and reason.
  • Journey Exit: Journey ID, name, and reason.

Journey Enter Reasons

The following can be the value for the reason parameter:

  • Unified
    • The same user enters the journey as two different user profiles, gets unified while still in the journey, and continues the journey as one unified user.
    • User A becomes eligible to enter a journey and then gets unified with user B. In this case, user A becomes user B in Insider's Unified Customer Database, which means that user B enters the journey as it is unified.
  • Natural: The user was eligible to enter the journey naturally.

Journey Exit Reasons

The following can be the value for the reason parameter:

  • Exited: The user fulfilled any of the Exit Criteria and exited the journey.
  • Completed: The user reached the end of a path and completed the journey.
  • Dropped: The user was unreachable from the channel element and was dropped from the journey.
EventEvent ParameterDisplay NameDefinitionSourceType
Journey Enterjourney_idJourney IDID of the journey users entered. Used in the Events segment, and Exit CriteriaMisc.Number
nameNameName of the journey users entered. Used in the Events segment, and Exit CriteriaMisc.String
reasonReasonThe reason for the Journey Enter event. The values can be natural or unified.Misc.String
Journey Exitjourney_idJourney IDID of the journey users exited. Used to connect journeys, and allow users to start a journey when they exit another one.Misc.Number
nameNameName of the journey users exited. Used to connect journeys, and allow users to start a journey when they exit another one.Misc.String
reasonReasonThe reason for the Journey Exit event. The values can be exited, completed, or dropped.Misc.String
event_codeEvent CodeA mix of channel code and campaign ID to identify the channel element that the user exited or dropped from. It is in the format of “[Channel Code]:[Campaign ID]”. Campaign ID can be found in the inner pages of channel elements. For further information, refer to How to Export Journey User Data.Misc.String

Web Push Events

Default Web Push Events are fired by the Web Push campaigns and are based on users' interactions with these campaigns. For example, if a user clicks a Web Push notification, the Web Push Click event is triggered. The default Web Push events and their event parameters are as follows:

  • Web Push View: Variant ID, Campaign ID, and Campaign Name
  • Web Push Click: Variant ID, Campaign ID, and Campaign Name
EventEvent ParameterDisplay NameDefinitionSourceType
Web Push Viewvariant_idVariant IDVariant ID of the web push notification viewed by a userWebNumber
camp_idCampaign IDCampaign ID of the web push notification viewed by a userWebNumber
Campaign NameCampaign Name of the web push notification viewed by a user
Web Push Clickvariant_idVariant IDVariant ID of the web push notification clicked by a userWebNumber
camp_idCampaign IDCampaign ID of the web push notification clicked by a user
camp_nameCampaign NameCampaign Name of the web push notification clicked by a user

WhatsApp Events

Default WhatsApp Events are fired by the WhatsApp campaigns and are based on users' interactions with these campaigns. For example, if a user replies to a WhatsApp message with the second button, the WhatsApp Reply Second Button event is triggered.

The default WhatsApp events and their event parameters are as follows:

  • WhatsApp Click: Variant ID, Campaign Name, Journey ID, and Journey Name.
  • WhatsApp Delivered: Variant ID, Campaign Name, Journey ID, and Journey Name.
  • WhatsApp Reply: Variant ID, Campaign Name, Journey ID, and Journey Name.
  • WhatsApp Reply First Button: Variant ID, Campaign Name, Journey ID, and Journey Name.
  • WhatsApp Reply Second Button: Variant ID, Campaign Name, Journey ID, and Journey Name.
  • WhatsApp Reply Third Button: Variant ID, Campaign Name, Journey ID, and Journey Name.
  • WhatsApp Reply Other Reply: Variant ID, Campaign Name, Journey ID, and Journey Name.
  • WhatsApp Unsubscribe: Variant ID, Campaign Name, Journey ID, and Journey Name.
    Your title goes here
    If only the identifier is used and the user unsubscribes after receiving the latest journey message, the journey parameters are recorded.
  • WhatsApp Read: Variant ID, Journey ID, and Journey Name.
EventEvent ParameterDisplay NameDefinitionSourceType
WhatsApp Clickvariant_idVariant IDVariant ID of the WhatsApp campaign clicked by a user
campaing_nameCampaign NameCampaign name of the WhatsApp campaign clicked by a userWebString
journey_idJourney IDJourney ID when the campaign is a journey campaign
journey_nameJourney NameJourney name when the campaign is a journey campaign
WhatsApp Deliveredvariant_idVariant IDVariant ID of the WhatsApp campaign delivered to a user
campaing_nameCampaign NameCampaign name of the WhatsApp campaign delivered to a userWebString
journey_idJourney IDJourney ID when the campaign is a journey campaign
journey_nameJourney NameJourney name when the campaign is a journey campaign
WhatsApp Replyvariant_idVariant IDVariant ID of the WhatsApp campaign replied by a userWebInteger
campaing_nameCampaign NameCampaign name of the WhatsApp campaign replied by a userWebString
journey_idJourney IDJourney ID when the campaign is a journey campaignWebString
journey_nameJourney NameJourney name when the campaign is a journey campaignWebString
WhatsApp Reply First Button
variant_idVariant IDVariant ID of the WhatsApp message's first button clicked by the user
campaing_nameCampaign NameCampaign name of the WhatsApp message whose first button clicked by the user
journey_idJourney IDJourney ID when the campaign is a journey campaignWebString
journey_nameJourney NameJourney name when the campaign is a journey campaignWebString
WhatsApp Reply Second Button
variant_idVariant IDVariant ID of the WhatsApp message's second button clicked by the user
campaing_nameCampaign NameCampaign name of the WhatsApp message whose second button clicked by the user
journey_idJourney IDJourney ID when the campaign is a journey campaignWebString
journey_nameJourney NameJourney name when the campaign is a journey campaignWebString
WhatsApp Reply Third Button
variant_idVariant IDVariant ID of the WhatsApp message's third button clicked by the user
campaing_nameCampaign NameCampaign name of the WhatsApp message whose third button clicked by the user
journey_idJourney IDJourney ID when the campaign is a journey campaignWebString
journey_nameJourney NameJourney name when the campaign is a journey campaignWebString
WhatsApp Reply Other Reply
variant_idVariant IDVariant ID of the WhatsApp campaign replied by a user with the other option
campaing_nameCampaign NameCampaign name of the WhatsApp campaign replied by a user with the other option
journey_idJourney IDJourney ID when the campaign is a journey campaignWebString
journey_nameJourney NameJourney name when the campaign is a journey campaignWebString
WhatsApp Unsubscribe
variant_idVariant IDVariant ID of the WhatsApp campaign unsubscribed by a user
campaing_nameCampaign NameCampaign name of the WhatsApp campaign unsubscribed by a user
journey_idJourney IDJourney ID when the campaign is a journey campaignWebString
journey_nameJourney NameJourney name when the campaign is a journey campaignWebString
WhatsApp Read
variant_idVariant IDVariant ID of the WhatsApp campaign read by a user
Journey ID
Journey ID when the campaign is a journey campaign
journey_nameJourney NameJourney name when the campaign is a journey campaignWebString

SMS Events

Default SMS Events are fired by the SMS campaigns and are based on users' interactions with these campaigns. For example, if a user clicks a URL in the SMS message, the SMS Click event is triggered. The default SMS events and their event parameters are as follows:

  • SMS Click: Variant ID, Campaign Name, Journey ID, and Journey Name.
  • SMS Delivered: Variant ID, Campaign Name, Journey ID, and Journey Name.
  • SMS Unsubscribe: Variant ID, Campaign Name, Journey ID, and Journey Name.
  • SMS Subscribe: Variant ID, Campaign Name, Journey ID, and Journey Name.
  • SMS Undelivered: Variant ID, Campaign Name, Reason Type, Journey ID, and Journey Name.
  • SMS Reply: Variant ID, Campaign Name, Reason Type, Journey ID, and Journey Name.
  • SMS Campaigns: Variant ID
  • SMS Drop: Variant ID, Campaign Name, Reason Type, Journey ID, and Journey Name.
EventEvent ParameterDisplay NameDefinitionSourceType
SMS Clickvariant_idVariant IDVariant ID of an SMS clicked by a userWebInteger
campaing_nameCampaign NameCampaign name of an SMS clicked by a userWebString
journey_idJourney IDJourney ID when the campaign is a journey campaign
journey_nameJourney NameJourney name when the campaign is a journey campaign
SMS Deliveredvariant_idVariant IDVariant ID of an SMS delivered to a user
campaing_nameCampaign NameCampaign name of an SMS delivered to a user
journey_idJourney IDJourney ID when the campaign is a journey campaign
journey_nameJourney NameJourney name when the campaign is a journey campaign
SMS Unsubscribevariant_idVariant IDVariant ID of an SMS unsubscribed by a user
campaing_nameCampaign NameCampaign name of an SMS unsubscribed by a user
journey_idJourney IDJourney ID when the campaign is a journey campaign
journey_nameJourney NameJourney name when the campaign is a journey campaign
SMS Subscribevariant_idVariant IDVariant ID of an SMS subscribed by a user
campaing_nameCampaign NameCampaign name of an SMS subscribed by a user
journey_idJourney IDJourney ID when the campaign is a journey campaign
journey_nameJourney NameJourney name when the campaign is a journey campaign
SMS Undeliveredvariant_idVariant IDVariant ID of an SMS undelivered to a userWebInteger
campaing_nameCampaign NameCampaign name of an SMS undelivered to a userWebString
Reason TypeReason why an SMS undelivered to a user
journey_idJourney IDJourney ID when the campaign is a journey campaign
journey_nameJourney NameJourney name when the campaign is a journey campaign
SMS Replyvariant_idVariant IDVariant ID of an SMS clicked by a userWebInteger
campaing_nameCampaign NameCampaign name of an SMS clicked by a userWebString
reason_typeReason TypeReason why an SMS undelivered to a user
journey_idJourney IDJourney ID when the campaign is a journey campaign
journey_nameJourney NameJourney name when the campaign is a journey campaign
SMS Campaignsvariant_idVariant IDVariant ID of an SMS campaignWebInteger
SMS Dropvariant_idVariant IDVariant ID of an SMS clicked by a user
campaing_nameCampaign NameCampaign name of an SMS clicked by a userWebString
reason_typeReason TypeReason why an SMS undelivered to a user
journey_idJourney IDJourney ID when the campaign is a journey campaign
journey_nameJourney NameJourney name when the campaign is a journey campaign

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