Ingest product information / v1
  • 29 Dec 2023
  • 4 Minutes to read

    Ingest product information / v1

      Article Summary

      Your title goes here
      If you are using this API on your end, we highly suggest you to use our new Ingest API, which returns responses in a more compact and user-friendly way after inserting a new item to your product catalog, since this API will be deprecated and removed soon.


      Ingest API provides a service to insert a new item to your Product Catalog. By utilizing the Ingest API, you can bypass the latency of the Clickstream Product Integration Method for product-related field inserts. As Catalog API provides endpoints to insert Product Catalog, you can send requests to insert your Product Catalogs directly.

      Endpoint and Headers



      HeadersSample ValueDescription
      X-PARTNER-NAMEmy-parter-nameThis is your partner name. Navigate to Inone > Inone Settings > Account Preferences to copy your partner name. The partner name should be lowercase.
      X-REQUEST-TOKEN1a2b3c4d5e6fThis key is required to authorize your request. Refer to API Authentication Tokens to generate your Catalog API token.

      Body Parameters

      The following product fields should be sent as parameters in the object with their field name and data type as stated. If any of the required fields is not sent through Catalog API, the respective product is not updated or inserted.

      your title goes here
      If any undefined attribute is sent through Catalog API, the respective product(s) will be updated without the undefined attribute(s).
      Field NameDescriptionData TypeRequired
      item_idUnique product IDStringYes
      localeLanguage of the websiteStringYes
      nameName of the productStringYes
      urlURL address of the productStringYes
      image_urlURL address of the product imageStringYes
      categoryCategory tree of the productArray (of string)Yes
      descriptionProduct descriptionStringNo
      priceUnit price of the product. Object key is currency (string) and value is  values will be in float type.Object {String:Float}Yes
      original_priceOriginal price of the product without any discount. Object key is currency (string) and value is  values will be in float type.Object {String:Float}Yes
      in_stockStock status of the productIntegerYes
      brandBrand information of the productStringNo
      colorColor information of the productStringNo
      sizeSize information of the productStringNo
      groupcodeInformation for group product variants.StringNo
      product_attributesObject of the custom product attributesObject {key:value}No
      Your title goes here
      locale determines the breakdown level of the product feed. By default, the product feed is created according to the language. If a website, for example, has 3 language options, a separate product feed is created for each language so that products can be recommended in same the language when browsed.

      Sample Example

      Sample Request

              "item_id": "2159967",
              "category": [            
                    "Home", "Garden Supplies", "Outdoor Furniture"
              "locale": "en_US",
              "image_url": "",        
              "name": "Red Bean Bag",        
              "url": "",        
              "in_stock": 0,     
              "price": {            
                    "USD": 49.9        
              "discount": {            
                    "USD": 9.9        
              "original_price": {            
                    "USD": 49.9        
              "product_attributes": {           
                    "brand_attribute":"bag brand",            
                    "shipping_attribute":"Free Shipping",            
                    "online_exclusive":"Online Exclusive",            
                    "new_arrival_attribute":"New Arrival",            

      Sample Responses

      200 OK

      Catalog API returns responses with status code 200 for successful requests. Successful responses display the number of valid products to be updated and the full information of the failed products.

      	"success": true,
      	"result": {
      		"successful": {
      			"count": 498
      		"fail": {
      			"count": 2,
      			"records": [
      					    "message": "'name' must be string.",
      					    "data": {
                                           "item_id": "4295",
                                           "name": true,
                                           "url": "",
                                           "locale": "tr_TR",
                                           "created_at": "2020-02-28 07:05:46",
                                           "product_attributes": {
                                               "store_id": "123",
                                               "color": "black",
                                               "brand_name": "nike"
      					    "message": "Product attribute type doesn't match: 'store_id'",
      					    "data": {
      	                                 "item_id": "12345",
      	                                 "name": "Siyah Spor Ayakkabı",
      	                                 "url": "",
      	                                 "in_stock": 1,
      	                                 "locale": "tr_TR",
      	                                 "created_at": "2020-02-28 07:05:46",
      	                                 "product_attributes": {
      	                                     "store_id": false

      Ingest endpoint of the Catalog API can also be used to introduce products that need to be recorded within the same group. To this end, you should include the groupcode field in each product information. A sample request below introduces products in the same group to the Product Catalog.

              "item_id": "2159967",
              "category": [            
                    "Home", "Garden Supplies", "Outdoor Furniture"
              "locale": "en_US",
              "image_url": "",        
              "name": "Red Bean Bag",        
              "url": "",        
              "in_stock": 1,    
              "price": {            
                    "USD": 40.9        
              "discount": {            
                    "USD": 9.9        
              "original_price": {            
                    "USD": 49.9        
              "groupcode": "GRP-10000"         
              "item_id": "2159968",
              "category": [            
                    "Home", "Garden Supplies", "Outdoor Furniture"
              "locale": "en_US",
              "image_url": "",        
              "name": "Red Bean Bag 2",        
              "url": "",        
              "in_stock": 1,    
              "price": {            
                    "USD": 11.3        
              "discount": {            
                    "USD": 1.0        
              "original_price": {            
                    "USD": 12.3        
              "groupcode": "GRP-10000"         

      Ingest API can also return successful responses with warnings in the response body. These warnings refer to optional attributes that you entered wrongly. In such cases, products in the requests are still processed. However, product attributes causing the warnings are ignored and not updated in your Product Catalog. You can see below a sample request and a Catalog API response that contains a warning.

          "name": "Name of the Product",
          "item_id": "Item-123",
          "description": "A sample description",
          "in_stock": 1,
          "price": {
              "TRY": 35.5
          "url": "",
          "image_url": "",
          "brand": "my-brand-bame",
          "locale": "en_US",
          "product_attributes": {
              "stock_code": "01020304"
          "google_title": "Google title of my product",
          "discount": {
              "TRY": 0
          "original_price": {
              "TRY": 35.5

      In this example, if the stock_code attribute is not defined as a Product Attribute for you before requesting the Catalog API, responses include a warning message as below:

          "success": true,
          "results": {
              "successful": {
                  "count": 1
              "fail": {
                  "count": 0,
                  "records": []
              "warnings": [{
                  "data": "[{\"field\":\"stock_code\",\"message\":\"Product attribute keys are not included in partners attribute.(stock_code)is not included in partner attribute map.\"}]"

      400 Invalid Data Exception; Couldn't parse json

      	"success": false,
      	"message": "Request data is not in valid JSON format."

      400 Maximum Allowed Record Count

      	"success": false,
      	"message": "Maximum allowed record count is exceeded."

      400 Maximum Allowed Request Size

      	"success": false,
      	"message": "Maximum allowed request size is exceeded."

      401 Partner cannot be validated

      	"success": false,
      	"message": "Partner does not have necessary integration settings for Catalog API."

      401 Wrong Token Usage

      	"success": false,
      	"message": "Partner token authentication is unsuccessful."

      429 Partner rate limit exceeded

      	"success": false,
      	"message": "Usage request rate of partner is exceeded for current period."

      500 Internal Error

      	"success": false,
      	"message": "The request processing has failed because of an unknown error."


      • For all the limitations, refer here. 

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